Closed loop with COVID

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
COVID finally got me. Our choir had its first concert on Saturday and since then 9 out of the 12 have gone down with COVID. The other three have already had it!!!

I was wondering how my closed loop would cope with this.
Usually when ill I have ended up with alarms going off through the night and my having to do corrections, in spite of increases in basal. However on the closed loop the pump is checking and adjusting every 5 min and I have slept through the night (apart from the obvious necessities of loo visit) and woken to a 6.2 and some gentle bumps on graph. My TDD is way up as I guess it has picked up the increased basal pattern from yesterday when I woke with a level of 8.9 and one wake up call for a callibration. I shall see what happens as things develop , but so far so good And I suspect that the better sleep should help with my recovery.

Anyone else experiences of this in closed loop.
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