Closed loop question - Cam APS v Control IQ


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Pumpers,

Does anyone have experience of using both of these closed loop systems please?

I am potentially switching from one system to the other and I'd be interested to hear a comparison from someone who has used both as to what I might miss and gain in doing so.

Hi. I use camaps if that helps? if you have any questions about this system please ask and I’ll do my best to answer from my experience. Relatively few people have hcl so finding someone with experience of both may be a challenge.
Hi. I use camaps if that helps? if you have any questions about this system please ask and I’ll do my best to answer from my experience. Relatively few people have hcl so finding someone with experience of both may be a challenge.
Sorry to hijack, I noticed this isn’t a very recent thread. I was wondering if I could ask about your experience of camaps fx?

I might be moving from the Omnipod 5 to the ypsopump in a couple months and I’m wondering what the algorithm is like? Especially in your experience with preventing lows and how it deals with highs?

Thank you!
Sorry to hijack, I noticed this isn’t a very recent thread. I was wondering if I could ask about your experience of camaps fx?

I might be moving from the Omnipod 5 to the ypsopump in a couple months and I’m wondering what the algorithm is like? Especially in your experience with preventing lows and how it deals with highs?

Thank you!
Hi, sure, fire away with any questions, I’m happy to share my experiences
I had the option of CamAPS and was very tempted, especially because it has the most flexible target BG. I think that’s one of the reasons why it is the one recommended for pregnancy?

The thing that put me off is that I would have needed to run a second phone, as the system only runs on Android and my phone is fruit-based.

Happy to answer questions on the tSlim though - I lived with that for 4 years 🙂
Hi, sure, fire away with any questions, I’m happy to share my experiences
Thank you so much!

I was just wondering how you are finding it overall, are you happy with the system?

I’m also wondering how it deals with highs and lows? One of the reasons for moving over for me is that the OP5 isn’t amazing at dealing with highs. However it is very good at dealing with lows and I worry that I will experience more hypos as the algorithm is more aggressive?

Another reason for moving over would be the learning of the algorithm. I’m not sure if you experience changes in insulin need across the month and if so do you feel the algorithm is able to learn these patterns of when you need more or less insulin?
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!

I’ve just read your replies on the other thread and it’s making me a little concerned about the jump to be honest! Interested to hear how you are finding it after being on it a while longer.

I wish there was a trial period to be honest! Signing for 4 years seems like a big deal!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!

I’ve just read your replies on the other thread and it’s making me a little concerned about the jump to be honest! Interested to hear how you are finding it after being on it a while longer.

I wish there was a trial period to be honest! Signing for 4 years seems like a big deal!
generally yes I am happy, in the case it was my first pump, so moving from midi to this was definitely a game changer for me. I originally would have liked an omnipod but this wasn’t available from my clinic. I went into to see a dsn and looked at all the pumps. I do recommend this if it’s possible, it really helped reassure me that my choice of Dana was correct ( I found Medtronic too heavy and slim has to be managed from the pump, which i didn’t like. Also the camAPS allows you to adjust a personal glucose target, more than t slim.
I don’t know if the algorithm is more agressive as such. Moving the glucose target for exercise or to help deal with hormonal shifts is very helpful. The main thing is that you need to carb count, pre bolus, and tell the algorithm what you are doing, otherwise it gets confused! I have ranted before about how I find the term artificial pancreas misleading and unhelpful - it’s a computer program that is only as good as the data it’s given.

I’ve had mine for 2.5 years ( 4 years does seem like a long time, but it goes quickly) and am at the very early stages of musing about what my second system might be. I am still interested in a tubeless pump, but on the basis that no system except an actually functioning pancreas is perfect, this is I think still a good choice so long as you are realistic about it 🙂