Closed loop CGM....mylife YpsoPump vs Medronic 780G

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Pumpers! Right so I've narrowed down my research for a pump decision to the mylife YpsoPump or the Medronic 780G. The clincher will be the CGM closed loop. I'm planning to self fund the CGM. I understand the Ypsopump uses the Dexcom cgm with it's own App and the Minimed 780G uses the Guardian cgm. I would like to understand if there are significant difference on a practical day to day basis. So any experience of either systems would be most welcome! . Paul.
I am using the Medtronic Closed Loop with the 780G pump and their GuardIan 4 sensors. I love it. It took me some time to get used to handing over a lot of the work and trusting the pump, but now very much enjoy SLEEPING at night. Even if I have got it a bit wrong in the evening, the pump sorts it out and by about 2:00 my graph has flattened out to gentle undulations as the pump and sensor check in with each other every 5 min and make any necessary adjustments.

The Guardian 4 sensor requires just one finger prick at the start of the week, after the 2 hour warm up and that is it. Apart from any odd hypos (I was having about one per day before using this- now about 1 per week when I do unusual things or eat unknown carbs) I rely on the sensor glucose levels to do my meal bolus calculations a long with my carb info that I put in.

I cannot compare it to any other closed loop system, but I think there are pros and cons for each but they all do roughly the same thing in their own way. They deal with the everyday things very effectively and definitely the amount of thinking we have to do. I find I can get to lunch having totally ignored the pump since breakfast carbs went in. It has definitely improved the quality of life for me.

Any questions that you have just ask. I will also tag @Sally71 whose daughter uses the closed loop with the t-slim and @everydayupsanddowns who uses the same system.
Thank you! What is the average monthly cost?

The official G6 Dexcom ‘Subscribe and Save’ subscription is £53 for 10 days (billed at £159 every 30 days).. Which amounts to £1908 per year. This provides both 10-day sensors and transmitters.

But I decided to self fund under a slightly cheaper unofficial option after my experience of ‘stretching’ Enlite/G3 sensors by restsrting them when I used the Medtronic MM640G.

So when I switched to the tSlim, I decided to try doing the same, and accept the potential risks of restarting sensors. So my sensors run for 20 days, and I buy transmitters as I need them.

Fortunately for me Dexcom have now launched a ‘3 month bundle’ which includes 9 sensors and one transmitter for £559 (saving £100).

With my unconventional system I need just over 3 transmitters a year, and just over 18 sensors (assuming each successfully runs for 2x10 days). Which means that over the year I buy 2 of the bundles, and 1 extra transmitter for £200

So a total cost of £1,318 which is £110ish a month.

I believe the G7 is cheaper, but sadly it doesn’t work with the tSlim!
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The official G6 Dexcom ‘Subscribe and Save’ subscription is £53 per month (billed at £159 every 30 days).
I am guessing that is a typo Mike and should read £53 per 10 days
For the Guardian 4 sensor, which is required when using the Medtronic 780G, you pay £169 per month for 9 months. This includes a charge of £299 when you make your first order. Just over £1800 per year. I spoke to my DSN around September time and back then she reckoned we were about 2 years from having these on the NHS.
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