clinic on thursday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
my last hba1c was 5.4 which i was pleased with.... acording to my plug and play thing my average level is 5.9 on my meter for the past month. so god knows what that equates to!
I cannot remember the last time i had my urine checked for my kidney thing and not seen the poidiatrist for at leat 18 months 😱 do you think i can phone the clinic today to see if one is on on thursday so i can be seen?

I dunno what is going on with my thyroid either as i have put on 6lb lately for no apparent reason im on 50 mcg (thyroxine) my hair is so horrible too at the moment so weather or not the dose is too high/low I guess will become apparent on thursday and eventually get the results of my coeliac screening and the steroid test thing as well 😱

Im getting to the stage again where I just hate being a diabetic lol think we all get to that point at times though! 🙄
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Hey Lou id definetly ring hun it will do no harm x

Regarding how your feeling your bound to get those days when things just get on top of you its only natural a new mummy and all the heartache being diabetic brings, i think we all wish we had a magic wand to whisk it all away but alas life is tough and we just got to roll with the punches, i do hope everything goes ok on Thursday so good luck for then..
i agree with steff. give them a ring hun.
Thanks guys, I love ur signature thing by the way steff made me laugh!!!

I couldnt get through to the clinic earlier just hope the poidiatrist is on thursday :D I think the other tests will be fine though! Imagine having a gluten intolerance and not being able to have fajitas now that would be my worst nightmare hehe

Think my hba1c will be in the 6 region though 🙄

let ya know thursday 😉 x
Well done with the HBA1C Lou....i am aiming for mine to start with a 5 but that is great 🙂

I have an under-active thyroid which has been giving me jip at the mo as i have been 'over prescribed' and o/d'ing on the stuff. I was taking 200mg which has been dropped to 125mg and hence they reckon why i miscarried recently :( It annoys me as they should have checked all under-active thyroid can effect your hair and also so can pregnancy and thereafter. My dose had to be increased after my daughter was born as i had put on weight which didn't help. This should definitely be checked though and sounds like it may be contributing to weight gain/hair probs and just wanted to let you know the probs i've had re this.

Good luck with all the other tests you are having. At least if you get a result it can be treated and looked at. My nephew has coeliac disease (another auto immune disease problem i think) but there is plenty you can get from the health food shops to supplement everyday foods.

Sounds like you are going through the mill a bit (i can relate to that too 🙄) but keep your chin have your beautiful little girl too and you did a great job with her 🙂

Bernie xx
Thanks for your reply bernie very informative actually :D

One last thing before I look like an idiot asking tomorrow.... can you have symptoms because the thyroxine is too high a dose? because although i know its normal to lose hair after having a baby, it has just started to become really bad and its basically all over my house lol quite embarrasing 😱 its really dry and coarse wich it wasnt when i fist started on thyroxine its doing my head in so to speak 🙄

it doesnt say weight gain or hair problems on the side effect part of the leaflets, I have been on them pretty much since this time last year (the dose was moved from 25mcg to 50 mcg 3 months ago due to blood results of a blood test) and hair problems and weight gain only started to become as bad in the past month or so :(
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