Clinic (Again) Today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
This will be the third time K has had Wednesday afternoon clinic since starting her new school in Sept. Feels like a vicious circle - K's 'team' say she needs more appointments at the moment as she is struggling to cope with combining D and high school, K says she is struggling to cope with high school because she keeps having to miss lessons due to clinics and being hypo/ hyper. School says she musnt miss school just because of her D but they sent her home one afternoon because she had had a hypo, dealt with it as she thought correct, sent herself hyper ended up crying in the medical room :(.
K is supposed to see the psychologist this time, at request of Dsn because (to quote letter sent to K's GP) 'K seemed a little reticent' :confused: I do think it would help K to talk to someone else but our appointment is at 4pm and the clinic closes at 5pm. How much time is K going to have to talk? (We have to do all the usual clinic stuff too)
Sorry to rant but had a copy of the letter clinic sent to GP today about her last appoint on 20 Oct (why does it take them so long to write to GP?) Always find them very patronising and they always bang on about K having a 'difficult time' which is something of an understatement (during the last 12 months one grandad died, dx with diabetes, other grandad died, started high school) Sometimes think she needs to be just left to 'get on with it' for a while.
Rant over - sorry for indulgence 😱
Don't appologise for having a rant. It helps to be able to share problems or just tell someone else.

Is there a counsellor at school who may be able to help? Some schools have them and it is a shame K has to miss out.

We have a six year old at primary school. They get really snotty if he has to miss time for medical appointments or dental appointments, but on the whole in our areas it is difficult to get appointments outside of school hours.

I hope everything wrks out.
It must be really stressful for you all.............

Is she having lots of lows.......? I wouldnt of said it was the right decision to send her home from school if she has a hypo, unless she cant recognise them quick enough..............

It really is tough at the age.........

I think, as you say leaving her to it for a while might be a good idea....

I hope she can get the time to talk to someone, even better would be a child the same age with diabetes...........
It must be really stressful for you all.............

Is she having lots of lows.......? I wouldnt of said it was the right decision to send her home from school if she has a hypo, unless she cant recognise them quick enough..............

It really is tough at the age.........

I think, as you say leaving her to it for a while might be a good idea....

I hope she can get the time to talk to someone, even better would be a child the same age with diabetes...........

Totally agree with this. You could ask your DSN to put you in touch with another mum & daughter to get some mutual support - my DSN has done this for me in the past.

I think it is inevitable that at her age, diabetes won't be a priority for her. I wonder if leaving her to it for a while might be a good idea, too. Sometimes the more you try to get an adolescent to focus on something, the less likely they are to actually focus on it!

Best of luck with the appointment.
I had to google the word "reticent", as I'd never heard it before.

Well, aren't all teenagers( I know K isn't a teenager yet) reticent??? You might remember me telling you Carol had to see the psychologist. She's very reticent too, not to me, but all "strangers". She doesn't talk to the doctor, dentist etc. The sessions with the psychologist lasted 30 minutes, so your one hour might be long enough if you get in on time (our appts. are always delayed unless you're the first one).

Carol was diabetic for about 6 months when she first started High School. I would offer K Carol's "support", but I'm not sure Carol would talk to K. I'll ask her. Carol and I both have MSN Messenger. You certainly have my support (even if it seems a bit useless).
How did it go Carolyn?

I spoke to Carol. She said she'd be happy to talk to K and answer any questions she might have. Or just simply chat about anything at all.🙂
i know what she's going through, high school and diabetes is a very difficult thing.
Your trying to fit in with everyone else and getting all worked up about stuff, throwing your hormones outta control affecting your sugar levels.
I remember crying in the medical room many a times, unfortunately i never got offered help or suppport so i'm definitely glad she is going to get some help 🙂
If she needs any advice or you do about it, i don't mind chatting 🙂
hope it all gets sorted 🙂
First of all thanks everyone - bit embarrassed about rant but thanks so much for support, as always

Well it was quite a productive visit but it needed to be as it cost me ?35 in taxi fares! (Long and complicated story) Good news was that K's 'favourite' Dsn wasnt there, in fact we didnt see a Dsn at all. They did her HbA1c which I wasnt expecting (guesses anyone? - result next week) and then she saw the very nice psychologist for about half an hour. Dont know what they talked about but K said it was 'entertaining - because she's quite funny'. 🙄

Came out of that bit at 5pm and her Consultant was waiting to see her. K really likes him as he is Type 1 and tell her all sorts of stories about 'the old days' (he's my age!) but also he doesnt tell her what to do just makes suggestions.And he listens😱 He increased her Levimir to 17 (as expected) but said we may need to make it 18. went through her ratios with me too which is the first time anyone has done that - I made them up myself when we started carb counting. Asked her very nicely to try 'once or twice' to test her BS at school when she feels low so he can work out what to do with lunch time ratio (which is all to pot) and she said she might!

Got out at 5.25 (clinic deserted!) Psychologist wants to see K again before Christmas so Consultant says he will too - K wants to see Psy. but not keen if its going to clash with any 'festivities' - but at least she didnt think it was a waste of time.

So hopefully the increase in her Levemir and the change of ratios (get breakfast right then we can work out lunch🙂) will help.

Thanks to all those who offered to 'speak' to Katie - I will pass this on but she has been very resistant towards getting in touch with anyone else with D. Her school have tried this week to arrange something with an older girl but it hasnt happened yet. Hopefully this is something the psy. will be working on.

Sorry - long post,even for me 😱 Thanks again for support - was having a real wobbly yesterday
Oh, don't be embarrassed by your rant! We all understand what you're going through and it always helps to just write it down, even if yo don't expect any answers.

I'm glad your consultations went well. It's good that you could see the consultant and that he helped with the ratios. That's what they are there for🙂.

It's good that Katie found the psychologist funny. It really helps to break the ice. If Katie is anything like Carol, you'll find she won't tell you anything she has discussed with the psy.😉. If appointments clash with the festivities, cancel!! LOL

The offer stands, and I completely understand that Katie doesn't want to talk. Carol was the same. She did have a diabetic friend in High School in the same year, but not same class, who helped her out immensely. But I did tell Carol that she doesn't have to be friends with her just because she's diabetic too. As it happened she thought that girl was "cool". Unfortunately, she moved to Canada.

P.S. Carol is on 18 Levemir 😛

I just read this thread I'm really glad that her appointment went well and that the psycologist seemed to help too. I like the sound of the dsn, who better to give you advice than someone who's got it themselves. Your daughter has been through an awful lot this past year and I can completely understand what you mean about giving her a break to get on with it. Good luck with the change in ratios I hope they sort the bg's out x
P.S. Carol is on 18 Levemir 😛

ooo they can be Levemir buddy's :D

K phoned me after lunch (as every day) to say her BS was 13 something at lunchtime. 😡 She was 8 ish when she got up which is still not low enough, and we did 1:5 ratio for breakfast AND she had PE. Hopefully no lows this pm as we have reduced the lunch ratio to 1:6 but the PE may have a delayed effect?

She feels allright in herself but is spending too much time fretting over 'am I going to go high and/or low'. AND they had a science test but she wasnt given extra time (she has SEN for her eyes) and only got 15 out of 29 - so thats stressing her now:(

Can I give up now, please?
You'll never give up. Poor Katie. I can't think of anything to say to make Katie worry less over her levels. Carol avoids testing at luch 😡. I almost think she's too blase over her levels. I say almost, as I know she isn't.

I've learnt something last week about sport and adrenalin. Let's see if I remember rightly what the DSN said:

Sport produces Adrenalin, which in turn pushes your sugar levels UP!!😱

Weird! Oh well, let's see the reaction to that statement.
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