Claims whistling can potty train babies 'far-fetched'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Potty training? Try whistling!' is the headline in the Daily Mail, as 'Vietnamese families credit it with getting their babies out of nappies by nine months.'
The news is based on research that quizzed 47 Vietnamese mothers about which potty training techniques they used, and whether they thought these methods were successful.
The researchers found that all of the mothers used a whistling sound at certain times to help their child begin to urinate, and to encourage the child to continue urinating once they had started (a technique reported to be widely used in Vietnam).
Well racehorses can be trained to urinate on a whistle (for drug testing ) so why can't babies.
Problem could come in later life when the "workies" wolf whistle stimulates urination in the young lady<G>
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