Circulation Booster Revitive Medic

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I am new to the forum and would appreciate any help, advice and experience members have had with the Revitive Medic circulation booster ?
I have contacted my GP for advice but unfortunately because this device is not a “medication” the doctor is bound by NHS guide lines and will not comment on its effectiveness.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
I've never been aware that my circulation needed any help except when I've eg been sitting on one foot under me and it therefore won't work properly for a bit after I stand up again. In which case I just have to start moving it a bit until the temporary numbness rights itself again.

Nowt I've ever needed to consult a doctor about - have you?
Disappointing that your Dr wasn’t very helpful about it. Doctors are plenty able to discuss various technologies (pacemaker... insulin pump... Libre sensor...) so I think it was just their not really knowing, and not wanting to comment, more than any kind of official rules.

I can’t easily find any very hugely positive clinical studies of any size. This is a very small randomised controlled study of 22 people (funded by the device manufacturer) that was able to show some improvement in venous hydrodynamics, but as others have said, these devices don’t seem to be recommended by podiatrists, and they aren’t supplied by the NHS, so it seems like the evidence of their effectiveness and any associated risks is still unclear.

Disappointing that your Dr wasn’t very helpful about it. Doctors are plenty able to discuss various technologies (pacemaker... insulin pump... Libre sensor...) so I think it was just their not really knowing, and not wanting to comment, more than any kind of official rules.

I can’t easily find any very hugely positive clinical studies of any size. This is a very small randomised controlled study of 22 people (funded by the device manufacturer) that was able to show some improvement in venous hydrodynamics, but as others have said, these devices don’t seem to be recommended by podiatrists, and they aren’t supplied by the NHS, so it seems like the evidence of their effectiveness and any associated risks is still unclear.

Thanks for your comments, like you I have been unable to find any professional independent information, my GP also stated that the NHS had not investigated the effectiveness of these devices which I guess contributes to his non committal response.
I have an appointment with the hospital diabetic consultant next month so I will see what he has to say on the sublect.
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