Cinema card

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes

Not sure if some of you know and I noticed Bev mentioned cinema in the DLA thread.

If you receive DLA yourself or your child does you can apply for a CEA card.

It is ?5.50 for the card for a year so you have to reapply. The benefit is that a carer goes free. Jessica and I go to the cinema a lot, we are still trying to work out the carbs of popcorn you see 🙂

It is worth every penny and makes a trip to the cinema that little bit more accessible as it is very expensive.
nothing to do with cinemas but thought id mention that you can also get in half price and care free at theme parks & fast track to al rides
Not at Chessington you cant anymore! DUK decided in their wisdom that type 1 children have no need to use the 'exit passes' because they should queue like everyone else! Adrienne is dealing with them.😱Bev
Ooops! Forgot to say thanks Adrienne - i keep meaning to look into the cinema passes - so i will do now thanks.:DBev
Hi All

Many thanks for this thread...I knew nothing about this card...I've just sent off for an application form, from our participating cinema.

Not at Chessington you cant anymore! DUK decided in their wisdom that type 1 children have no need to use the 'exit passes' because they should queue like everyone else! Adrienne is dealing with them.😱Bev

I think they should queue like everyone else too.
Hi Katie

Everyone has their own opinions which is fine. I can assure you that we wouldn't be asking for this decision to be changed unless there were valid reasons of which there are plenty. I and the people I know, I can't speak for everyone else, do not 'go for what we can get'. There are valid reasons for everything. I have no idea how old you are or when you first became diabetic but diabetes as a child in this day and age with the proper care takes one hell of a lot of looking after. Even a long car journey needs extra planning. I've stopped many a time on a hard shoulder with a hypo child in the back.

Believe me I would actually like to queue with everyone else, which may surprise people, but that would mean my daughter is as healthy as everyone else in the queue and would swap exit passes and DLA and anything else for her not to have diabetes. It breaks my heart what she goes through on a daily basis.
I think they should queue like everyone else too.

Hi Katie..

I am sorry for you that you have this opinion..agreed this is your view and opinion....would you feel the same if you were a small child who desperately wants a Normal fun life...By the way 'They' as you put it are our children....please respect that.....

Finally I would forgo everything I had in order for Nathan not to be diabetic

Sorry, I shouldnt have made such a blase comment and then ran off! I know 'they' are your children, I hardly think saying 'they' is offensive 🙄

What I meant was... If I was say 12 and diabetic I honestly think that I would want to queue like everyone else. I wouldnt want to be treated differently, because I would want a 'normal' life. I know it may be different for parents of very young children who have to be strictly monitored!

My mum would forgo everything for me not to have diabetes, and im sure she would have it instead of me. I'm not sure what this has to do with anything.

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Hiya Katie

I know you weren't being personal, don't worry.

I know several teens, girls and boys. You are right and wrong at the same time. Some don't want to know and don't want to know about diabetes either which is a problem, some of the boys are rebelling at the moment. A few do though. One 12 year old was with her friend and she bought a fast pass (I think). She went on the ride but forgot to test before going through the barrier and she was 3.6 but went on the ride anyway.

A ride or so later the ride broke down with her on it. Luckily she had not disconnected her pump. On some rides you have to take your pump off. The rules are that you cannot be off your pump for longer than an hour. Believe me it mucks it up the whole regime and its hard to get back on track sometimes. These queue are longer than an hour and you can't sometimes leave your bag anywhere so the pump would be with 'mum' or whomever at the start. This girl should have had the exit pass. Its not about wanting one, its about needing them and this is a perfect way to explain one of the reasons why they are needed. I hope !! Sometimes I just get carried away, as you are probably aware.
Thanks for explaining to me why it is necessary for children to have the passes 🙂

I just hope that all parents of children with type one diabetes get to hear about this kind of help, not just those who are computer literate and spend time finding out about these things on the Internet 🙂 Lots of people miss out on things that will help improve their everyday lives because they aren't told about them!
No worries Katie. I love to talk and guess what my favourite subject is these days ......... diabetes in children. I could go on for hours and hours and sometimes do, no wonder I bore the pants off my friends !
Haha I know what you mean, sometimes I bore my friends going on about my levels :D They only care when I say i'm at 29 🙄
Sorry to ask, I am not familiar with this subject. what is an "EXIT" pass? Does this mean that the person with the pass can get out of the queue or the ride at any stage? I never knew this excisted....
Please completely IGNORE that last post by me! Thank you!

You have explained it in the other thread "Chessington" which I am reading now!

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