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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
he knows when u've been sleeping
he knows when u're awake.
he knows when u've been dieting and when u've eaten cake.
he knows when u've been sober
he knows when u've been plastered
sants knows when u've been bad or good
cos he's a nosey b**tard!!:eek::eek
glad to spread a liitle cheer god knows we all need it!! got loads more rhymes too rude tho.
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Annemarie got me thinking about Christmas tunes so here's a variation on a carol that Ihope does not offend anyone!

Well rest us diabetic types
Let nothing us dismay
For we can eat that turkey
Upond our Christmas Day
We can even have that b****y sprout
So don't let's see us pout
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
ha ha vanessa very good. we should start up a thread just for jokes and rhymes just to proove us diabetics do have a sense of hunour!!!!!!
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Haha great stuff xxx
With apologies to the Type 1's for omissions ... but here's my thoughts on the Type 2 diabetic's 12 days of Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
My doctor gave to me
- 12 glucose test strips
- 11 pointy lancets
- 10 more appointments
- 9 bits of info
- 8 weeks to change
- 7 simvastatin
- 6 as a target
- 5 day?s exercise
- 4 dire warnings
- 3 extra blood tests
- 2 stone to lose
and a prescription for metformin

Apologies - it must be the time of year!
Great poems. Personally I'm glad it is almost here. The only diabetic member of our household (me) is responsible for buying all those sweet goodies and I can only have a teeny tiny taste if I'm vey good...
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