Christmas question.

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,
I was diagnosed about two months ago with type 2 with an HBA1C of 115. Since then I have been eating well, cutting out all added sugar, no white products, minimal carbs, no cakes, biscuits, sweets, deserts, no alcohol, etc. Eating more fruit and veg and quality protein. I have upped my exercise as much as my arthritic knees will aloow. I am feeling good, more energy, sleeping better, etc. My next blood test is in a month time.
My question is, although I don't plan to go mad over Christmas, I would like a little pudding, maybe one glass of fizz, some crackers under my cheese, etc, etc.
Will this be ok or will it ruin my next blood test?
I'm reading as much as I can, but there is so much info available it all mushes up and gets a bit overwhelming.
Any advice really gratefully received.
Merry Christmas.
Hi. Alcohol is not a problem as long as you choose wisely and in moderation of course. Beers and ciders and liqueurs contain carbs so are best avoided but dry wine, bubbly or otherwise, and spirits with or without low calorie mixers should have no impact on Blood Glucose (BG) levels.

As regards food, generally we say that Christmas and birthdays, you are allowed to be a bit more relaxed as one day will not have any significant effect on your blood test next month. Maybe have just 1 or 2 roasties instead of3-4 and 1 Yorkshire pud instead of 2 (I usually just have half of one) and a smaller portion of pudding than usual but have it with cream instead of white sauce or have a chocolate eclair as a lighter dessert instead of Xmas pud. A couple of crackers with your cheese will not break the bank either for one day.
Hi. Alcohol is not a problem as long as you choose wisely and in moderation of course. Beers and ciders and liqueurs contain carbs so are best avoided but dry wine, bubbly or otherwise, and spirits with or without low calorie mixers should have no impact on Blood Glucose (BG) levels.

As regards food, generally we say that Christmas and birthdays, you are allowed to be a bit more relaxed as one day will not have any significant effect on your blood test next month. Maybe have just 1 or 2 roasties instead of3-4 and 1 Yorkshire pud instead of 2 (I usually just have half of one) and a smaller portion of pudding than usual but have it with cream instead of white sauce or have a chocolate eclair as a lighter dessert instead of Xmas pud. A couple of crackers with your cheese will not break the bank either for one day.
Thank you. Just one Yorkshire it is then.


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Just because it is called a Yorkshire pudding, doesn't mean it is supposed to be the size of the county!! 😱
Carr's Melts are good under cheese and are just 2.5 carbs per bicky. I usually have 4 for lunch under 10 tons of brie or camembert.
Maybe have just 1 or 2 roasties instead of3-4 and 1 Yorkshire pud instead of 2 (I usually just have half of one)
Does this scale so if you would usually have a plateful then only go half a plateful??? (I know I know wishful thinking)

Need to start throwing tesco order together for next week. We usually have a hot choc, snacks & pizza on Christmas Eve and watch movies in PJs and get out the duvets. Will have to find some workarounds to keep some kind of control of BG.
Hi All,
I was diagnosed about two months ago with type 2 with an HBA1C of 115. Since then I have been eating well, cutting out all added sugar, no white products, minimal carbs, no cakes, biscuits, sweets, deserts, no alcohol, etc. Eating more fruit and veg and quality protein. I have upped my exercise as much as my arthritic knees will aloow. I am feeling good, more energy, sleeping better, etc. My next blood test is in a month time.
My question is, although I don't plan to go mad over Christmas, I would like a little pudding, maybe one glass of fizz, some crackers under my cheese, etc, etc.
Will this be ok or will it ruin my next blood test?
I'm reading as much as I can, but there is so much info available it all mushes up and gets a bit overwhelming.
Any advice really gratefully received.
Merry Christmas.
Let your hair down, but not too far. Enjoying Christmas and all it offers is great for the soul and mental well-being. You’re unlikely to do too much lasting physical harm in the short period. Enjoy.
Hi All,
I was diagnosed about two months ago with type 2 with an HBA1C of 115. Since then I have been eating well, cutting out all added sugar, no white products, minimal carbs, no cakes, biscuits, sweets, deserts, no alcohol, etc. Eating more fruit and veg and quality protein.
Consider using your meter at your peak spike time after meals to review your present way of eating. You might get some surprises, especially after fruits. You might also find you can add some favourite items back to the menu in appropriate portions: Test, Review, Adjust
My question is, although I don't plan to go mad over Christmas, I would like a little pudding, maybe one glass of fizz, some crackers under my cheese, etc, etc.
Will this be ok or will it ruin my next blood test?
Enjoy your Christmas treats in moderation on the day but return to sensible eating from Boxing Day on. Alcohol, in moderation, is OK as long as you have no other medical reason to avoid it. The problem with alcohol is the carbs in beer, sweet wines and mixed drinks. I stick to low-carb beers, dry wines and diet mixers or neat spirits.
You can always choose/prepare low carb options - a bowl or trifle with real custard, sugar free jelly with some gelatine added to give it the strength to hold together, hot chicken bits, sausages, mugs of tasty soup, low carb crackers which cheeses - even pizza made with 'fat head' dough - chopped nuts drizzled with chocolate in little bun cases - there are always options to try.
You can always choose/prepare low carb options - a bowl or trifle with real custard, sugar free jelly with some gelatine added to give it the strength to hold together, hot chicken bits, sausages, mugs of tasty soup, low carb crackers which cheeses - even pizza made with 'fat head' dough - chopped nuts drizzled with chocolate in little bun cases - there are always options to try.
Thank you. Any recommendations for low carb crackers and what is fat head dough?
My DN used to avoid a blood test in January to allow for Christmas excess!
Thank you. Any recommendations for low carb crackers and what is fat head dough?
crackers like oatcakes, poppy and sesame seed. cheddars, ryvita thins. If you look for something about 5g carb per cracker that's not too bad but there are a few recipes for low carb crackers.
Sesame seed 'normal' Ryvita are only 6-ish g carb each anyway - and a whole Ryvita is twice the size of a normal cream cracker - each of which is 5g.
Thank you. Any recommendations for low carb crackers and what is fat head dough?
If you do a search for the dough and low carb crackers there has been quite a lot written about them.
Some have reported that their family prefers the low carb options to the 'normal' ones.
Go for the basic yorkies from Tesco or Aldi.
They are surprisingly good, but because they are budget are small, quite thin, and not a heavy dough.
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