Christmas is Coming!

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I don't particularly like any JBs which makes them perfect for me, no temptations 😛

I didn't even buy them but did have to get my phone out for you guys :rofl:
The snowmen are always too high risk for me. A 50:50 chance of a green one?!!? 😱

Still, at least with the weather cooling down JBs won’t melt into an inedible puddle of sticky goop as happened to a couple of bags of mine in a tent over the summer. :rofl:
I used to cycle a reasonable amount but sadly now need the help of an electric motor in the front wheel.
However, in the days of discussions on energy drinks and supplements it was generally recognised that you could cycle (on the flat) five miles on one Jelly Baby. (MPJB)
I did carry a packet in the glove box of the car in case of emergency hypo's but the "puddle of sticky goop" put a stop to that.
Paul G
I did carry a packet in the glove box of the car in case of emergency hypo's but the "puddle of sticky goop" put a stop to that.

I ended up putting the molten bags in the fridge when I got back. Then carefully peeled away the wrapping once they had set, cut them into cubes and re-dusted them in cornflour and put them in a sandwich bag.

They were OK actually! Sort of everyflavourbabies
I ended up putting the molten bags in the fridge when I got back. Then carefully peeled away the wrapping once they had set, cut them into cubes and re-dusted them in cornflour and put them in a sandwich bag.

They were OK actually! Sort of everyflavourbabies
Wow. That's some creative way to reduce waste! Good idea.
Full steam ahead for shops as shelves are filled with Christmas stock, strange thing is when examining package of items like stollen cake bites in Aldi the dates were up weeks before Christmas.
I don't do Christmas and no I'm not a miserable old git, I go to Church, I buy presents for my sisters family, but that's all and I don't buy an Christmas food I just keep it as a normal day, as the "true meaning" went years ago and to most it's a time to over spend, over eat and drink.
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