Christmas is a coming

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well we are but a week away from Christmas.
So what are we eating and drinking Christmas and perhaps Boxing day.
I guess the turkey and veg ain't too bad T2 wise
But what about other 'stuff'?
I am not a fan of Chrimbo pud so won't miss that as we never have it.
But I want to make a trifle so
Can someone give me a good trifle recipe please.
Finally booze.
I guess its drink in moderation
Some wine with the meal
The odd gin or three with sugarless tonic but
How does Gin and Metformin go together are there problems?
I want to stick to low carb but daughter has got all kinds of goodies in thinking I'll be having them. I just can't now and don't want to anyway. Quandary. I would be quite happy with a pile of turkey and some lovely veg especially my fave sprouts and a lot of peanuts for afters. :D
Planning on just having Christmas Dinner, full works with Christmas Pudding (love that!) on Christmas Day, probably nothing else as that will be more than enough now I am used to eating less anyway. Then after Christmas Day starting to get back to normal eating. Must avoid snacking as that is a slippery slope for me, I’d happily snack and graze all day long without proper meals if I’m not careful. That’s a nightmare for insulin though so I will keep to regular meals and avoid snacking.
I am eating what my wife cooks us which will be turkey and veg with roasties etc. No pud but a cheese board.
Bottle of fizzy wine or two.
But I do want a TRIFLE.
For those looking to limit their carbs, but really would like trifle, there are many, many recipes out there. Just as DrGoole to search for "Low carb trifle" and choose one you like.

I lost my sweet tooth, but apart from that, everything else as normal.
I will be having smaller portions of Christmas treats, but still having them. I've bought a small Christmas cake rather than make a traditional large one, so I'll have some but then it will be gone rather than eating it over a couple of months. I'll have Christmas pud with Baileys cream, and at least 1 Mince pie (I'm expecting my partner and eldest child to eat the rest of the box). Though I'm not going to make bread sauce as I was the only person who ate it anyway
Usually start Christmas day with slice of toast & big mug of strong tea, we have dinner around 1pm so don't have lot in morning.

This year's meat is lamb & turkey plus pigs in blanket, then roast tatties turnip & carrot mash roasted parsnips peas & stuffing, family has Christmas pudding I usually have small bit with some Kelly's clotted cream ice cream, all washed down with ample red wine.

Usually off out for long walk afterwards so don't eat till night, then we have cheese n biscuits with more red wine, probably finish night with a whisky or brandy.

Boxing day we have leftover meat with homemade chips coleslaw & fried eggs.
We’re having scallops, black pudding and pea purée for starters. Pretty low carb. Turkey, roasts and mash, broccoli cheese, carrot and turnip, parsnips ( not me) sprouts par boiled, halved and fried in butter with pancetta and chestnuts. Pigs in blankets, sausage and herb stuffing balls, sage and onion stuffing and of course gravy. Just small potions of everything for me as I can’t eat a lot. I won’t bother with pudding until later. I haven’t decided yet but I usually make a tiramisu.
Boxing Day is leftovers, usually chips instead of potatoes. I’ll probably have two glasses of white wine. No Christmas cake or mince pies as I don’t like them.
Do we know how wine or gin effects us with Metformin?
No specifically being T1 BUT the thing about all alcohol is that when the liver is dealing with it - as it always has to - it doesn't lob in any stored glucose into the bloodstream - hence whatever 'type' we happen to be and whatever medication we happen to take - we have to watch out for LOWER BG rather than higher! Hence please don't drink any on an empty stomach.
no booze for me (usually don't anyway) but this year will be different from last year with insulin to cover all the bad choices.
In reality, will probs skip most of the sweet stuff but have a normal Christmas dinner with the trimmings and jab as I go 🙂
Just prepared the lemon and parsley stuffing, bar the eggs, in the freezer ready for Christmas day thaw, mix, cook along with the turkey. The days meal will be a turkey crown, sprouts, peas, roasties (possibly mash), yorkshire pudding, gravy, apple sauce, followed by a chocolate log, home made trifle, etc oh and some fizzy wine.

Preparation of the stuufing took a while. I discovered that washing the parsley was essential as it was so dirty. The effort will be worth it as that type of stuffing is gorgeous. A treat once a year.

It will be me and my wife and my friend For Christmas dinner. Oddly not my daughter, etc.
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