Christmas in Doha

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Type 2

My son left in August to live in Doha and I am missing him loads and christmas will be strange. I know he is having the time of his life, so its just the apron strings are still a bit tight.

Anyway, I have now found out that the postal service in Doha is very poor with long long queues to both post and collect mail - and its hot over there!

So, the question is what do I do re xmas. He has told us not to send anything as it may never get there and i have told him not to send anything either.

So...what can I do so he knows we are still thinking of him...I don't have enough hols to go over for its not an option.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as at the moment i can't even send a card!
Yes it took since August, but he now has internet - apparently Ramadam bought everything to a stand still, but we skype now which loosens those strings a little.
He really is a lovely son!
just skype him hun xx the connection is more important than the material stuff xx
Yep - you are probably right.

I have a video camera but and thought of doing a video, but then thought we have skype so whats the point.

I think I may put some money in his account as I know there is something he wants - only thing there is he is loaded and could buy for himself - would have been more personal to receive a gift.
Have you both got webcams?

If not you could each treat yourselves to a little Christmas present and then you would be able to see each other Christmas Day via skype and lots of other days.
Yes already got them Sheilagh -chat every friday!! good idea though.
It doesnt have to be a material present, so perhaps if you both made a donation to a worthy cause? I know your son wouldnt *actually* be receiving a real present - but perhaps he would have an idea of what he would like you to do? Perhaps pay for schooling for a child for a year ( I think its about ?50) or buy a cow for a poor family in the third world. I know this might seem odd - but it might give you both comfort that someone else is benefiting from your kindness. You can get information from Oxfam on these sorts of gifts.🙂Bev
Another good idea Bev - will chat to him today.
It doesnt have to be a material present, so perhaps if you both made a donation to a worthy cause? I know your son wouldnt *actually* be receiving a real present - but perhaps he would have an idea of what he would like you to do? Perhaps pay for schooling for a child for a year ( I think its about ?50) or buy a cow for a poor family in the third world. I know this might seem odd - but it might give you both comfort that someone else is benefiting from your kindness. You can get information from Oxfam on these sorts of gifts.🙂Bev

This is what I have been doing for several years now, as my family already get loads of stuff for themsleves and I never know what to get them. I'd hate to waste money on something that's not really wanted when, for example, you could save someone's sight instead. Sightsavers have some excellent gifts:
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