Christmas and T1

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If you’re carb counting then you can in theory eat anything you like anyway, as long as you give yourself the correct insulin dose. That’s what my daughter does. True, BGs are easier to keep under control if you eat less carbs, but as you say one day of rubbish numbers is going to do you no harm at all in the long run. Have a fab Christmas!
Since being diagnosed T1 in June and behaving myself with food and working hard to control my numbers, diabetes can do one on Christmas day.
A lot of people might not agree but I'm going to eat what I want when I want for one day. I'm even going to treat myself to one beer
You can eat what ever you want 365 days of the year. Having type1 diabetes does not restrict your eating as long as you carb count and adjust your insulin accordingly.
Since being diagnosed T1 in June and behaving myself with food and working hard to control my numbers, diabetes can do one on Christmas day.
A lot of people might not agree but I'm going to eat what I want when I want for one day. I'm even going to treat myself to one beer
That’s exactly how it’s supposed to work. Eat whatever you want, and bolus for it.
Dear Trev.
Time in range doesn't count on Christmas day 😉
*unless its completely amazing and fabulous then it totally does - that's the rules laid down by santa himself*
Just do your best and have a brilliant day.
Time in range over christmas counts treble, as long as you promise to keep it to youself!
I'm still learning carb counting and it has caught me out a couple of times mainly when I eat my partners cooking lol
I've been carb counting for nearly 60 years (with Mum's help as a child) and I can assure you I like everyone else still get it wrong at times.
Non of us are perfect so will never achieve perfection. Enjoy your Christmas. Just be mindful that alcohol will lower your numbers so cover with extra food which isn't bolused for.
YES!! Trev, obviously no-one explained this to you properly when diagnosed - there are 2 separate days of every year of our lives where food and accurate dose adjustment don't matter - these are 25th December and your birthday.

A good time to have break from ones sensor (aka NHS's version of the elf on the shelf)
A good time to have break from ones sensor (aka NHS's version of the elf on the shelf)
I would do the opposite. Because I eat differently over Christmas, I am less aware of what causes highs and lows so I would rather have something checking up on my levels. I wouldn’t scan more often or react to every big alarm but I would rather know than having a nasty hypo.
You can eat what ever you want 365 days of the year. Having type1 diabetes does not restrict your eating as long as you carb count and adjust your insulin accordingly.

Yes I know that’s the theory

But I’d have a very tricky time with diabetes management if I didn’t aim for a little bit of consistency as a basis, with whatever I fancy once in a while.

A chaotic menu of everything massively different all the time is just hard work, and the number of estimates and guesses I get wrong just annoys me more than I might enjoy the ‘freedom’.

So a basic consistent structure, with a sprinkling of exceptions works better for me 🙂
Hi @CoventryTrev,
For what its worth, I made a conscious effort to eat what I wanted for the last (only) 2 Xmas's since my Whipples. The BG management was sort of OK, a fair bit higher than I'd hoped - but I had a pleasant longish walk and that fitted in to ro the family plans OK. But I also had horrible indigestion, both times, because I just overdid it. Hard reality I can't manage meal overloads anymore, my stomach has shrunk and my digestive system doesn't cope.

Self-inflicted injury! I shall try to be less greedy this year, but still eat what I want.
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