Choosing Pump Clinic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is it possible to choose a clinic (that offers pumping services - in particular has a dedicated pump DSN) to go to?

I am not happy with the clinic I go to - not enough staff, and the nurse & consultant have different opinions regarding pumps and diabetes management.
"I Love my pump" & a proper big bloke would not get it off me. You should be able to go to whatever hosp you want. If you live in ctr of London etc you might be restricted. But good luck in getting one 🙂
You can ask your GP to refer you where you like. We're also entitled to second opinions - and not just about diabetes!

When I asked to be referred to Bournemouth for pumping, my GP asked me why. I told her in no uncertain terms why I was unhappy with the current clinic and she was shocked.
Bizarrely I'm now going back 'cos they've moved into the 21st century and have started pumping.
I am going to find the replies you get very interesting as my consultant said I would have to go to London and I live in SE Kent, I checked with INPUT and there is a pump clinic in Tonbridge, I called them and was told the head consultant said I was to ask my GP to refer me to Tonbridge and they would accept me, I asked my GP and he said he wouldn't, so I asked my consultant and he also said no because my area had a contract with the London hospital. It is only the travelling distance I worry about especially in bad weather as on one occasion last year we had to travel up to London by train as it was too foggy to drive and we had to catch the 6.30am train and it cost £111......

Is it just your partic surgery that 'has this contract' ? or is it something all the practices in the area have, dictated by the CCG?

Can you ask INPUT for their advice about how to find out, since if it's a simple matter of just changing your GP, you could do that?
Heard from my DSN that she's going to apply for funding .... but I'm not holding my breath ... she's said that before and then hasn't! I've had advise from INPUT so starting to gather my own data - food diary, blood glucose diary etc. and then will make appointment to see GP in July to ask for referral.

Anyone recommend a particular clinic?

Thinking of Whittington?
Heard from my DSN that she's going to apply for funding .... but I'm not holding my breath ... she's said that before and then hasn't! I've had advise from INPUT so starting to gather my own data - food diary, blood glucose diary etc. and then will make appointment to see GP in July to ask for referral.

Anyone recommend a particular clinic?

Thinking of Whittington?
Good luck C P !
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