Cholesterol, statins and relative risk...

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Interesting review of statin benefits and "bad" cholesterol.. have we all been conned?

In the end, the medics/NHS are treating 'whole populations'. But is not 'whole populations' who die of disease or who are adversely affected by illhealth, but individuals, that's the problem really.

My pet moan is GP's who say, when you report to them a symptom that is causing you anxiety, 'It's very unlikely to be cancer.' Yes, I know it is - and yet people die of cancer every, every day.

'Risk' is a risky business it seems!!!
Interesting review of statin benefits and "bad" cholesterol.. have we all been conned?

Enjoyed that. Really hits home how results can be pushed to give a more favourable and more convincing take up. Like the 95% effectiveness versus the 1% actual reduction.
Enjoyed that. Really hits home how results can be pushed to give a more favourable and more convincing take up. Like the 95% effectiveness versus the 1% actual reduction.
indeed ...exactly the semi-fraud that was used to show jab "effectiveness".
Enjoyed that. Really hits home how results can be pushed to give a more favourable and more convincing take up. Like the 95% effectiveness versus the 1% actual reduction.
The effects of Atorvastatin on my memory plus my mind overall made me consider ending my life rather than exist with the problems I was experiencing.
Extending a life which has lost all meaning is not a good thing, it is not kind at all.
I found this video (or another one, I’ve not rewatched the whole thing) helpful in improving my understanding of how risk reductions shown in trials can play out over a longer time frame than clinical trial follow-ups can usually allow.

In the end I concluded that using relative risk was perhaps not as disingenuous as I had initially felt.

Of course it may be relevant that I’ve since started on a low dose statin, and have had absolutely no negative effects whatever, but my lipid components are all now within recommended range. So I have probably moved from being statin-cautious to statin-neutral.

I can understand that the feeling may be different for members who had a more difficult time when starting statin therapy.
I was persuaded to go on them for three months as a trial. My BG levels jumped (particularly in the morning) and I was permanently hungry. I was meant to have a blood test after three months, but the delay was so great after a cancellation I just didn't bother. Now off them, and my BG levels are very slowly coming down again - but I really felt that after all my hard work it was back the square one.
I found this video (or another one, I’ve not rewatched the whole thing) helpful in improving my understanding of how risk reductions shown in trials can play out over a longer time frame than clinical trial follow-ups can usually allow.

In the end I concluded that using relative risk was perhaps not as disingenuous as I had initially felt.

Of course it may be relevant that I’ve since started on a low dose statin, and have had absolutely no negative effects whatever, but my lipid components are all now within recommended range. So I have probably moved from being statin-cautious to statin-neutral.

I can understand that the feeling may be different for members who had a more difficult time when starting statin therapy.

Yes, I'm not overly fussed over YouTube videos, they're in there with the "cat spinning in circles" ones for me.
All I really care about is my cholesterol is in a good place for me.
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