Cholesterol / HbA1c / eGFR results!


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
At the end of January my cholesterol results were
serum cholesterol 7.7 mmol/L
serum triglycerides 2.4 mmol/L
non HDL cholesterol level 5.9 mmol/L
total cholesterol : HDL ratio 4.3 ratio

My (inaccurate) Qrisk score did not cause my doctor concerns, so with multiple heath issues I decided to go for diet/lifestyle changes rather than statins.
I cut saturated fats and reduced carbs to an average of 100g a day, and shed 30 lb of weight.
I phoned for the results of Thursdays test and have been told the results are all 'normal' 😎

'Normal' does not satisfy the data nerd in me, I've requested a print out of the results so I know the details.

Oh, I also had 15g oats and 13g oatbran as part of my breakfast to give me 1.5 grams of β-glucan a day (3g is quoted as a cholesterol busting aid)
And I used the supermarket version of the benecol cholesterol yogurt drink (1 a day)
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I have never had high cholesterol. In the 80s it was 5 and never changed upwards always lower. My cholesterol is now 3.5 and 0.4 respectively.
Well done @s’nic! I wouldn’t have believed dietary changes could have such a big effect until I did my own trial prior to my last cholesterol test. Like you, I like to have the figures rather than ‘normal’, ‘fine’, etc.

Keep up the good work 🙂
Thanks guys!
They didn't only check for cholesterol, I picked up the results, and wow ... I impress myself right now (sorry, but I do) :D

Thursday's blood test (last one was 26 january) ...
HbA1c 40 (down from 42)

serum cholesterol 4.4 mmol/L (down from 7.7)
serum triglycerides 1.1 mmol/L (down from 2.4)
serum HDL cholesterol level 1.4 mmol/L (down from 1.8)
non HDL cholesterol level 3.0 mmol/L (down from 5.9)
total cholesterol : HDL ratio 3.1 ratio (down from 4.3)
serum LDL cholesterol level 2.5 mmol/L (down from 4.8)

liver function test - protein, and phosphatase both lower (I wanted to do this to reduce the load on my kidneys). However ALT level is higher, so that's one to watch.

Electrolytes - potassium is lower (another I wanted to lower to reduce the load on my kidneys)
eGFR is 53.7 (a nice rise, it was 46.2)
how I'm feeling
Excellent results. WELL DONE!
That's a really good set of results. Pleased to see all your hard work paying off.
Good results but you want HDL to go up not down, so maybe look into what increases that?
Excellent results! Well done !!!
Good results but you want HDL to go up not down, so maybe look into what increases that?
My previous readings indicated 1.4 is a good reading - I just found the link again.
"Your HDL cholesterol ('good' cholesterol) helps clear the cholesterol out of your arteries, while your LDL cholesterol ('bad' cholesterol) can clog them up. HDL cholesterol levels of up to 1.4mmol/L are thought to offer the best protection, but our specialists believe that levels higher than this may not give you any additional benefit."

The nhs says above 1.2
"HDL (good cholesterol) Above 1.0mmol/L for men or above 1.2mmol/L for women"
Apparently losing weight and inches around waistline can help raise HDL cholesterol levels. As can a healthy diet and exercise.
It's ok at the moment, but yes, will need to see which direction it's moved at the next blood test
My previous readings indicated 1.4 is a good reading - I just found the link again.
It’s still alright but it’s not as good as your previous reading which I think was 1.8? So some of your diet changes are making your HDL lower when you want higher
It’s still alright but it’s not as good as your previous reading which I think was 1.8? So some of your diet changes are making your HDL lower when you want higher
but as stated, "levels of up to 1.4mmol/L are thought to offer the best protection, but our specialists believe that levels higher than this may not give you any additional benefit"

And my HDL cholesterol level is 1.4
Provided it doesn't drop too much lower it would seem my current level may provide optimal protection.
Congrats on your positive results @s'nic

Do you have the NHS app (if you live in England & Wales)? You may be able to shortcut past that infuriating ‘results are normal’ situation. I get mine delivered straight to my phone, though I think my surgery had to activate something on my record for that to happen?
I log on the nhs wales site for my surgery, but my surgery is lacking (to put it politely)
My friend can log on and check her medical summary online, all I see is my vaccinations. To be honest the only time it's of use is for ordering a repeat prescription. There are never any appointments, so I can forget booking one of them.

So for my surgery the only viable route is phone or email for anything other than repeat prescriptions 😡
I use the NHS App and it gives me access to all of my test results (might be different for Wales). I can also get repeat prescriptions and I have been able to book a doctor’s appointment on there. They only release a few appointments each day though, and they are usually for a few days time.

Trying to get a phone appointment is almost impossible. You have to ring at 8am and keep redialling until you get through - last time I redialled 110 times!
Mine does not give me access to test results from hospital, even the surgery don't get them. I can't boo k appointments either.Around here most surgeries want you to fill in an e- consult form.
I have tried the NHS app but it doesn't seem to work for Scotland