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Cheese isn’t a problem as that doesn’t contain any carbohydrate.
As for the rest, could you try to just reduce portion sizes for starters? Maybe gradually cutting it down might be easier than just trying to go without all at once.
Cauliflower makes a good substitute for things like potato and rice, you can mash it or make “rice” with it but it has virtually no carbs.
There are breads which are lower carb, such as Burgen
You could substitute dark chocolate but regard it as a treat.
Black bean or edamame bean pasta is much lower carb than standard pasta but you could reduce the pasta an dhave more sauce.
Cauliflower rice is Ok in stir fries.
It is a bit harder if you are vegetarian but avocado, eggs and cheese are good and lots of green veg and salads.
There are a few other people who are vegetarian so may be along with some suggestions but if you search for low carb or keto vegetarian recipes there are quite a few on the internet.
Beans and pulses are a usual protein in veggie meals but they are quite high carb so portion size is important.
Welcome to the forum by the way.
There are breads sold which are fairly low carb, or you could make your own - there are quite a few recipes around on the net.
Cheese isn’t a problem as that doesn’t contain any carbohydrate.
As for the rest, could you try to just reduce portion sizes for starters? Maybe gradually cutting it down might be easier than just trying to go without all at once.
Cauliflower makes a good substitute for things like potato and rice, you can mash it or make “rice” with it but it has virtually no carbs.
There are breads which are lower carb, such as Burgen
Thanks so much for the tips. Really appreciated.
You could substitute dark chocolate but regard it as a treat.
Black bean or edamame bean pasta is much lower carb than standard pasta but you could reduce the pasta an dhave more sauce.
Cauliflower rice is Ok in stir fries.
It is a bit harder if you are vegetarian but avocado, eggs and cheese are good and lots of green veg and salads.
There are a few other people who are vegetarian so may be along with some suggestions but if you search for low carb or keto vegetarian recipes there are quite a few on the internet.
Beans and pulses are a usual protein in veggie meals but they are quite high carb so portion size is important.
Welcome to the forum by the way.
Many thanks for these tips - definitely looking into them.
When we have diabetes, our bodies struggle to manage carbohydrates.
As others have mentioned, a common approach to address this is to reduce carbs.
Whilst doing this, you could also make the carbs slower to digest so that you body is more likely to be able to manage them over a longer period.
Fat slows down carb digestion. So, if you have pasta, have a cheesey, creamy sauce rather than a tomato sauce, for example.
I had celeriac puree last night instead of mash. Courgettes also make a good substitute for pasta - aka courgetti spaghetti. White radish is a good lasagne substitute if you can find it. I can't, so am growing my own 🙂 Turnips are good as is kohl rabi. Again, hard to find so I have some in the veg patch
I had celeriac puree last night instead of mash. Courgettes also make a good substitute for pasta - aka courgetti spaghetti. White radish is a good lasagne substitute if you can find it. I can't, so am growing my own 🙂 Turnips are good as is kohl rabi. Again, hard to find so I have some in the veg patch
I like the sound of using white radish as a Lasagne substitute
I like the sound of using white radish as a Lasagne substitute
Good knife skills or a mandolin works well although I've fallen out with my mandolin - caught my fingers on each of the last two attempts :(
Good knife skills or a mandolin works well although I've fallen out with my mandolin - caught my fingers on each of the last two attempts :(
Ouch !
I haven't got that but if I click on the 3 little dots it shows smiley face underneath but nothing happens when I click it !!
My predictive text says 3 little dogs !!!!
What computer/browser are you using?
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