chocolate yes or no

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
OK here`s my confession ,

i don't smoke [worked if foundry's for years breathed enough smoke ] i only drink once in a while even at that its a couple of whiskeys with Canada dry sugar free ginger ale , here`s the bad part i eat chocolate not a lot [ohh my god ,why did i suddenly get a image of paul Daniels lol]as i say not every day but i do have a little Galaxy finger 13g of sugar ouch i usually wait till my BS is about 5.0then sit down with a cup of tea yes i use skimmed milk lol,
is this really really bad am i playing with a loaded gun or just enjoying life ,

i think i get it from watching my mother who was diabetic who had such amazing control of her diabetes, yet could also sit down and get stuck into a strawberry tart once in a blue moon ,i now know why she had that look of unadulterated pleasure on her face i know because Ive went there not the strawberry tart yeuch cant stand them ,

before i was diagnosed i never ate chocolate all through my childhood i was allergic to get this sugar ,its a long story and yes at birth they thought i was diabetic but in the end they said i was sugar intolerant ,well i was brought up in a small community on the southside of Glasgow ,when ever i went to the local shops non of them would sell me boiled sweets or chocolate or any thing really sugary ,all i could get was just crisps and things like liquorice but there was still a large selection to pick fromso it never bothered me much [turns out my mother warned all the local shops if they sold me sugary sweets they would have her to deal with ouch ],so i never really wanted chocolate until after i was diagnosed ,don't know why but i suddenly wanted something i had spent a lifetime staying away from ,so am i being stupid with my Galaxy finger now and then or should i dig deep and say get behind me Satan lol
Nothing at all wrong with a little chocolate William! Yes, it has sugar, but the fat content slows the release of glucose and lessens the spike - this is why it's not ideal fro treating hypos, it's too slow. High quality, high cocoa content is supposed to be the best! Enjoy!🙂 But not TOO much of it!
Before I was diagnosed I was very very naughty and ate enough chocolate to keep Cadbury, Mars AND Nestle in profit til about 2025!! Since diagnosis, I eat only a couple of squares a day MAX of dark chocolate, as I was told it's not the end of the world.

The bad part of it is that, as I don't have much, if any, self control, I usually have those two squares when I settle down at night with me duvet and me book. I know it's a bit late for chocolate eating but honestly, I think if I had it during the day I wouldn't have the restraint to stick to two squares...........

I'm told it's okay to have a little treat occasionally, and as a former chocoholic I interpret that in such a way as to allow myself to still eat a bit of the yummy stuff, but I'm not sure if I should be stricter with myself.

And, actually, I've just realised that's no answer to your question at all !! sorry, lol.

does`nt matter helenp as long as you know your being naughty and control it lol thats what my mum used to tell me work your diet in such a way that it includes a little treet lol
I hate to say it but I vote no. I was a chocoholic, a Cadbury's Fruit and Nut... Or Green & Blacks Sour Cherry. Since diagnosis, not a square has passed my lips and I hate it, but I know if I slip, I lose. Is there a 12 step programme for chocaholics?:(
I hate to say it but I vote no. I was a chocoholic, a Cadbury's Fruit and Nut... Or Green & Blacks Sour Cherry. Since diagnosis, not a square has passed my lips and I hate it, but I know if I slip, I lose. Is there a 12 step programme for chocaholics?:(

My 'impossible to resist' were those Lindt Lindor chocolates - I simply couldn't stop once I started, so now I daren't buy them.:(
its funny how things turn out,as i said Ive never bothered about those little dark squares of evil lol,even when i think about staying in a house with 4 females hell bent on world domination who sit eating fererro whatsitsnames lol the amount of chocolate eaten in our house at Christmas time could pay off the national debt lol
same william never bothered about anything sweet really, but now every now and then i submitt to 90% cocoa by lindt...and just savour the little squares of real chocolate heavan...the more the cocoa % the less the sugar:D
As far as I'm concerned the answer to chocolate is always YES!

My 'impossible to resist' were those Lindt Lindor chocolates - I simply couldn't stop once I started, so now I daren't buy them.:(

Mmmm, the best chocolates ever!
Former chocoholic

Yes, like Helen, i was also boosting Cadbury and Nestle's profit margin considerabley (i wonder how they manage without us?), but i wasn't brave enough to limit myself to a little bit at a time. Thought it's better to give the damned stuff up completely. Gone chocolate cold turkey and it's worked better than i thought. I have a little bit a christmas and on my birthday (it was a small bag of cadbury's chocolate buttons, they were lovely...:D.) I try to limit myself to what i really really want in those cases (cadbury's dairy milk and the green triangles from Quality Street). Now if i could only persuade my co-workers to stop harping on about the stuff all day, i'd be much happier...
Giving up hasn't stopped me grumping about it, or apparently lost me any weight (that's the scone substituion i'm guessing, i need to get on the scone wagon now...)
Everybody at work thinks i'm nuts, i think they should all be banned from mentioning it under the Geneva convention...😛
I don't see a problem with having it occasionally when your blood sugars are in range at all. I love chocolate and have some most days. My favourite is white chocolate
Don't know if i should start a new thread but i've been invited to take part in some research which involves eating 20gms of chocolate a day with weekly 40gm boosts. it is to see if chocolate helps to protect diabetics against heart disease and strokes.

Ooooh! Now I'm really jealous.
same as am the lindt is really yummy , small amount every so often for me
some of the paticipants will be fitted with sensors which go under the skin of the abdomen which is attached to a machine which measures bg every 3 minutes
same william never bothered about anything sweet really, but now every now and then i submitt to 90% cocoa by lindt...and just savour the little squares of real chocolate heavan...the more the cocoa % the less the sugar:D

I just bought some Lindt Excellence 99% cocoa - I think it is great and I find just one small piece is enough to "cure" my craving

Regards Dodger
some of the paticipants will be fitted with sensors which go under the skin of the abdomen which is attached to a machine which measures bg every 3 minutes

Wow! How do you get a 'job' like that?🙂 The BG monitoring will be interesting too - a bit like a CGM, I suppose.
Wow Shortcake, that sounds really interesting! I'm dead envious!!

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