Chiropractic helped child with diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
According to the case study, a 4-year-old female with Insulin-Dependent Type I Diabetes presented for a chiropractic evaluation. Initial examination of the child revealed postural deviations and vertebral subluxations in the cervical, thoracic, and pelvic regions. She was seen a total of 24 visits with chiropractic adjustments to the spine administered to reduce vertebral subluxations. There was a significant decrease in hemoglobin A1C levels which resulted in a lessening of insulin administration.

Are chiropractors medical professionals? I'm not sure whether it's an alternative therapy or not.:confused:
Nightingale Collaboration has a particular interest in evaluating complementary / alternative medicine - see

Very strange that the Tea Tree article doesn't even name the journal in which the original paper appeared.

Northerner - status / registration of chiropractors (and other alternative / complementary health care practitioners) varies between countries. In UK -
I've seen a lot of commentary about chiropractors. At heir purest, they believe an 18th century (maybe?) postulation that all ailments can be traced to problems with the spine and manipulation will ease or cure them.

This includes organs, skin, viruses, etc

Obviously no basis on science whatsoever and potentially lethal.

However, there is apparently a wide range of practices and some are virtually just osteopaths who will deal with back/postural problems and can be quite effective.

So, the whole ethos is quackery but some go under the banner but don't push the silliness and stick with an extended massage.

Thank you Copepod, you are a mine of information 🙂

You're welcome - I try to answer when I can and back it up with reference(s) / URLs.
Well having said all that with reservations and scepticism - would you accept that if you ahev a misalignment of any of your bony structures - for whatever reason! - these could lead to inflammation of some of your soft structures? Cos I could and do accept that.

Ergo think on. The blood tests for eg fibromyalgia measure - what is it? - ESR? - an elevated level of which indicates inflammation 'somewhere'.

Is it possible that was what the child had? for whatever reason?
Well having said all that with reservations and scepticism - would you accept that if you ahev a misalignment of any of your bony structures - for whatever reason! - these could lead to inflammation of some of your soft structures? Cos I could and do accept that.

Ergo think on. The blood tests for eg fibromyalgia measure - what is it? - ESR? - an elevated level of which indicates inflammation 'somewhere'.

Is it possible that was what the child had? for whatever reason?

Quite. I'm certainly prepared to accept that it could help. One of my ex-girlfriend's had a slight curvature of the spine and used to see a chiropractor regularly and and it did help her, although not with her diabetes, which she didn't have. Bad example! 😉
They're not all charlatans. There are clearly some very good ones, but there's very few conditions that can be related back to the spine in the way chiropractic states.

It's not based on any medical expertise or even research. So it may be pure luck that something else was causing symptoms and seemed to be aleviated by whatever was done. For every miracle, there must be a whole lot more that are no better of or worse.

But faith goes a long way to helping too. I don't have it but many do and it seems to help the body to heal itself (destressing?).🙂

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