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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
A few weeks ago I posted a thread about whether I could have had a few more chips with my evening meal as my post-prandial was 5 point something. On Saturday I had a larger portion and post-prandial was 4.8, so when we ate out today and my meal of chicken & bacon melt with salad also came with chips I decided to have a still larger portion. Post-prandial 7.3, so clearly too many this time.

I think, though, that I now have a handle on chip portion sizes..!!

When are you testing to get those fab results? Chips and anything fatty tend to hit the system at around the 4 hour mark and then linger on for a few more hours :(
The wonders of a CGM :)
Hi Martin I thought before food at 4.8 with 7.3 rise 2 hours after food would have been an ok rise?

I love chips and I do eat a few when others order, I usually pinch 3-5 chunky chips :p
Anything fatty can slow down the effect on glucose release.
I don't like very much fried chips, especially the variety is served in pubs or fast foods.
Sometimes I eat some of the homemade version, made with fresh potatoes and fried in a skillet .
If I don't eat other starchy foods and stay under 150-200 I never noticed spikes.
I like these, because '70s California depicted in serials was cool.
Two tricks I have found with chips. First, french fries, looks a lot but there isn't that much - its one of the reasons burger joints use them Second, go for quality over quantity. Local chip shop, who use top quality spuds rather than the cheapest they can find, serves me a mini portion, carfully packing them so that they do not turn into a soggy lump.
I lurve chips and am happy to eat quite a lot when I have them - with loads of vinegar. My only nod to diabetes is that I leave a few in the bag that I don’t eat. I don’t touch crisps, pasta and only a very occasional sandwich and cut back on what feels like a zillion other things so when it comes to chips I go for it x
My post-prandial 4.8 was after chippy chips, my 7.3 after bar food meal. That's something to take on board then.

But were the pre-prandial readings more or less the same? If you only look at the post-prandial readings you may not be comparing like with like. Did you just eat chips each time? Suspect not, so the rest of the meal may have contributed.
Probably quite a few carbs in the jumbo sausage!
If you started from a higher level before the bar meal, the rise in levels might be little different.
If you only test after eating you would need to test far more than once for each meal to justify your assumption - could be fun experimenting!