Chip shop


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
12 year old daughter recently diagnosed. Looking to see what to bolus for a sausage supper from the chip shop please along with chippy chips. Thanks for the help and advice
Just do your best guess and correct later. No one here is allowed to advise on insulin doses.
Chips are about 1/3 carbs (33g carbs per 100g of chips)

The carbs and cals book is really helpful for showing visual representation of amounts of food if you can’t weigh.
12 year old daughter recently diagnosed. Looking to see what to bolus for a sausage supper from the chip shop please along with chippy chips. Thanks for the help and advice
Hello, welcome to the site. Is your daughter on a fixed dosage or does she understand her insulin to carb ratio with regards to the carb content in the chippy supper?
@nicolacook54 I used the Nutracheck calorie counter app to work out how many carbs in fish and chips. Seemed pretty spot on (or better than I would be capable of guessing anyway!). Good luck and hope your daughter enjoys the chippy!