Children should get their teeth brushed at school, says NHS watchdog

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Schools should help children to brush their teeth at the start and end of each day, under new official guidance which critics said had turned the state into “supernanny”.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) said it had drawn up the advice for local authorities because many parents “do not even realise” their children’s teeth needed brushing.

Under the proposals, schools will be asked to run daily sessions, physically helping children aged between three and 11 to brush their teeth up to twice daily.

Pupils will be also be given free toothbrushes and fluoride toothpaste to take home, in a bid to stop children being “condemned to a life with rotten teeth,” Nice said.
Ludicrous! This is the responsibility of parents, for heaven's sake. And I would not be at all happy at the idea of kids brushing their teeth in the unhygienic conditions of a school toilet or a sink in the classroom - yuk. 😱
Education about tooth brushing is important.
Children know that they have to brush their teeth, but few know how.

  • At least two minutes
  • Gums as well as teeth.
  • Brush to remove interdental debris
  • Every tooth
My dentist told me I am at extra risk because of diabetes and recommended an enhanced oral hygeine routine.

  • Electric interdental floss toothbrush that times two minutes.
  • Different toothpaste morning and evening, specialist gum toothpaste in the morning, multi-treatment pro toothpaste evening.
  • Every couple of days strong mouthwash (without alcohol).
The incentive is that if I have to see the oral hygeinist at the dental surgery, he is a clumsy brute and I come out with my shirt soaked. I work hard to avoid having to see him.
Since diagnosis (touch wood!) I have actually had fewer problems with my teeth than pre-diagnosis - actually had one removed about 3 months prior to diagnosis, the only one I have lost. My dentist always tells me at check ups that I do a very good job of cleaning my teeth, including the hard to get wisdom teeth that are only (and perpetually) half-through.

I use a 7p toothbrush from ASDA and 80p toothpaste from the Co-op! :D
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