Children can get type 1 diabetes too!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi, have set up a new facebook group to raise awareness that children can get type 1 diabetes too.

This group is to raise awareness of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes and the need for medical professionals to listen to parents when a child with symptoms presents themselves.

There are many appalling stories of children being turned away from medical professionals who have told the parents there child is: "too young to have type 1 diabetes," "is only a virus" "is attention seeking" etc.... This is not uncommon. Children eventually have been rushed to A&E with the life threatening DKA once diagnosis has been made, hours from death. Unfortunately, some children have died due to not being diagnosed.

This doesn't need to happen. All that needs to be done is a simple finger prick or a urine test to diagnose type 1 diabetes when a child is presenting with symptoms- avoiding a medical emergency.
That's such a weird (an totally unacceptable) turnaround from the 'juvenile' diabetes days.

And strangely enough, I got put of metformin as well as insulin when I was in hospital with DKA, because I was apparently 'Probably too old to have type 1 diabetes', and was allowed to walk away from a drop-in clinic, with off the chart glucose in my urine. One wonders if there should be a group called 'Anyone can get Type 1 Diabetes'....
Hya Becca

I have joined the gruop. great idea, when I rang my gps to get an emergency appt for J they were trying to give me an appt 10 days later. i had already done a urine sample at work as i work at the hospital. I explained this to the reception lady but she wasn't listening. I was working so my mum rang and gave them hell and spoke to my gp and he wrote out a blood card for J and said to go the path lab the next day. J's b/s was 40.4 just imagine if I waited another 10 DAYS!!!

Gem x
I have heard of several people taking their children to A&E because their GPs wouldn't listen and then being economical with the truth just to get some treatment for their children, all had treatable conditions, including diabetes and each time the doctor had the parents down as being over anxious! In this day and age it is a terrible state of affairs. We know our children better than anyone else, so doctors need to learn not to dismiss the worries of parents quite so readily or easily
TBH, as far as i know, type 1 was more prone to children then adults.
hense as SacredHeart said 'juvenile diabetes'
Some doctors are *bleep* 😡
My other half got shown how to inject and told when and sent home. Which could have been just as dangerous!
mutter grumble mutter!
Have joined. Although I am T2 and not a Mother it is a very worthy cause and needs to be highlighted.

I noticed in uni the other day posters about watching out for the syptoms of T1, which I thought was really good.
This is quite awful. Nothing seems to have changed despite the passage of time. In the summer term of ?68 it became obvious to my mother that I was not well. Despite eating and drinking vast amounts I was losing weight. She took me to the GP who said there was nothing wrong. A month or so later I was far worse as I was getting occasional cramps when running and had developed some nasty spots on my back. She took me again and saw a locum who said that there was nothing wrong and that all children were skinny (I think there was only one fat child in my whole primary). A few days later school broke up. During the first week we had a day trip to the seaside. My mother looked very worried as I kept wandering down the train (we went to either Ramsgate or Margate) to go for a wee! The next morning I could not get out of bed and she called the doctor. He did a dip stick test on my urine and it was loaded with sugar. As we had no phone he had to go to a phone box to call an ambulance. Goodness knows what would have happened if she had waited a few days. And why did none of the other GPs do a simple urine test? One thing I will assure younger members of this forum is that the hospital experience was nothing as pleasant as the Royal in the TV series about a 60?s hospital.
Great idea Becca, well done, will join the group and send an invite to my diabetic circle xxx
it sounds like what happened with Graham "not to worry must be a UTI"yes the day after he was nearly dead !!!!!!!!!!
That's such a weird (an totally unacceptable) turnaround from the 'juvenile' diabetes days.

And strangely enough, I got put of metformin as well as insulin when I was in hospital with DKA, because I was apparently 'Probably too old to have type 1 diabetes', and was allowed to walk away from a drop-in clinic, with off the chart glucose in my urine. One wonders if there should be a group called 'Anyone can get Type 1 Diabetes'....

Becky you are soooooooo right, "Anyone can get Type 1 Diabetes" would get my vote (although of course I will join Beccas as it is still a worthy cause!).

At 28 I was diagnosed and wrongly treated for type 2 diabetes for sometime (I dont know how long exactly) and I didnt get any better. I was told I was too old and overweight to have type 1 diabetes. My father has Type 1 diabetes and got it at 32 but they still said it was type 2.

Makes me really annoyed. But so does what Becca wrote. Do people really say those things? It makes me sick.

Two of my cousins, both girls, were diagnosed from birth with Type 1.

Me, my brother and another male cousin were diagnosed at around 18 with Type 1.

It really can affect anyone and any campaign to raise awareness can only be a good thing.

Hi Becca,
I know we are friends on FB and ive now joined your group, its fab
P xxx
At 28 I was diagnosed and wrongly treated for type 2 diabetes for sometime (I dont know how long exactly) and I didnt get any better. I was told I was too old ... to have type 1 diabetes.

Yep, me too at age 21, was very ill for several months then incorrectly diagnosed as T2 and put on tablets for a few months until I was really dangerously ill and finally/luckily a different GP spotted what was wrong and referred me to hospital where I was diagnosed T1 and put on insulin. Seems GPs on general need more information on diabetes treatment and diagnosis, I'm terrified to think what would have happened if I hadn't seen that different GP. And as children, as a general rule, can deteriorate far quicker than I did it's scary to see that the signs can be missed so often.
I never went to my GP - straight to A&E where I was diagnosed with DKA. Even though I knew nothing about diabetes, I still found it odd when several of the hospital staff were evasive when I asked what type I was, chiefly due to my age (49).

I suspect that a lot of GPs very rarely see Type 1s, so keep their knowledge updated more on Type 2. Consequently, they may not believe that young children can be showing symptoms of diabetes which they associate with adults.

It's not right, of course, so I hope that the FB group can help raise awareness.
lots of people tell me ohh he is on tablet no is on 4 injection a day and they are speechless
Yes exactly Daniela! Happens to me too. Speechless is right.

I'm pretty sure I managed to join this on FB -- though through my phone whilst internet-less, so am not entirely convinced I've done it...

Great cause.

In my son's case, I was already very suspicious, having surfed his symptoms, eg bed-wetting at 12 yrs old. We went to our GP with a urine sample and asked to be tested for diabetes. We have a great GP and he's been a rock ever since, but I have no idea if he would have arrived at it himself quickly...
I joined your facebook group, because thats exactly what happened to me (what was said in first post) and that was in 1989 when i was 5, so its really unbelieveable that its still the same all this time later! 😡
But your right, one little test either urine or blood would prove that its not just a mother worrying over nothing etc 🙂
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