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Children and parents at parliament 18th november

Lynne Day

Relationship to Diabetes
hi Lynne Day here i spoke at the start of the day on the 18th November, what a great day,it was a great meeting all these parents and children that where lobbying parliament about there issuses regarding children that are in school with diabetes i would love to here how you all went on when you met with your MP if you have a story please post :)
Hey :)
I came, but unfortunatly I was unable to meet my MP :(
I did go to the question and awnser thing though! The day was fantastic, the best bit for me was just being able to meet and speak to other people with diabetes. (and getting a day off school :p)

thanks for helping to organise the day
well I went to the day and was unfortunately late getting there as trains from carlisle tend to be delayed for an hour (N)

I did get to meet my mp though and he was pretty mint I gotta say and he totally understood as he himself had problems at school but for a different reason.

I gotta say unlike you I didnt talk to any other diabetic teens [i'm not a shy person either] but I just felt that because I wasnt forced to I simply didnt.. and that was one of the main reasons I went as well..

Otherwise it was a great day off school :D
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Hey everyone, i went to Parliament On the 18th, i got to see my MP, she was brilliant and very helpfull.The day was excellend, i really enjoyed it hope you all enjoyed it to x :)
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Children and parents at parliament 18 november

Hello Lynne, we (Daniel, Kirsty and myself) also attended. I am putting some links here for anyone interested in seeing and reading what happened. It was a great day and I am looking forward to seeing whether or not anything comes out of it!



