Chesty Cough with mucus

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am a very recent Type 1 Diagnosis. Prior to my diagnosis and immediately after I had experienced very high BG, it is much better controlled now by my set schedule Bolus and Basal injections. Over the past few days I have developed a chesty cough and produce mucus too. I will discuss this with my Diabetes Care Tram but wondered if other members had a similar experience.
Welcome to the forum @Drumbowie
A diabetes diagnosis is not usually associated with a chesty cough. Sadly, diabetes does not protect us from other medical problems such as colds and covid.
However, illness is one of the many things that push our BG up and when our BG is higher, the cough, sniffs, sneezes, aches, etc. can get worse. For this reason, it is common to have a sick day insulin regime. This varies by person so it is definitely worthwhile talking to your diabetes care team about this.
I hope you feel better soon.

BTW, I know typos are common (I am often guilty of them). Your mention of a "Diabetes Care Tram" amused me as I pictured a tram full of insulin, test strips and comfy seats driving around picking up and looking after us.
Welcome to the forum @Drumbowie
A diabetes diagnosis is not usually associated with a chesty cough. Sadly, diabetes does not protect us from other medical problems such as colds and covid.
However, illness is one of the many things that push our BG up and when our BG is higher, the cough, sniffs, sneezes, aches, etc. can get worse. For this reason, it is common to have a sick day insulin regime. This varies by person so it is definitely worthwhile talking to your diabetes care team about this.
I hope you feel better soon.

BTW, I know typos are common (I am often guilty of them). Your mention of a "Diabetes Care Tram" amused me as I pictured a tram full of insulin, test strips and comfy seats driving around picking up and looking after us.
Thank you for your reply. I am following the sick day regime and hope to feel better soon. It is very early days for me. My Care Team have been reviewing / adjusting my Basal and Bolus doses every two days to try and even out the trends. I will get there and will get back to every element of my 'pre-diagnosis' lifetstyle - travel, exercise etc.
I am a very recent Type 1 Diagnosis. Prior to my diagnosis and immediately after I had experienced very high BG, it is much better controlled now by my set schedule Bolus and Basal injections. Over the past few days I have developed a chesty cough and produce mucus too. I will discuss this with my Diabetes Care Tram but wondered if other members had a similar experience.

High blood sugar is linked with increases mucus production.
It's actually something that was happening to me before I was diagnosed with T2.
It all went away when I got levels under control.

(I'm not sure why it happens, or whether it applies to T1s.)
I am awaiting a call back from my Diabetic Care Team. I clearly had a very elevated Blood Glucose (BG) in the weeks and months immediately prior to my diagnosis so wonder if the increased mucus production is a legacy of this and will improve as by BG management improves. We shall see.
It could just be a virus @Drumbowie There’s been an unpleasant one going around here, and people have found it takes a while to clear. While you’re waiting for a callback, you can do the usual things to help: keep hydrated, rest, use steam inhalations, etc etc. There are also sugar-free cough sweets you can get and sugar-free cough medicines if needed.
Over the past few days I have developed a chesty cough and produce mucus too. I will discuss this with my Diabetes Care Tram but wondered if other members had a similar experience.
I currently feel absolutely terrible, there’s a lot of cold and Covid around at the moment and I have something along the lines of that. In bed with peppermint tea and a pile of tissues. It could be you’ve got a cough or cold?
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