chest pain

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!

Alex woke up this morning with really bad pain in his chest - so i took him to the walk in centre (docs werent open til 9). They said they think its just 'reflux' so the best thing to do is to give him milk throughout the day - i explained he is diabetic and is that a good idea to have to keep covering it with insulin - she said its ok to give him small amounts without any insulin throughout the day. I dont feel happy doing this - what do you think? Also, anyone know if the antacid thingys are ok for diabetics? :confused:Bev
hi bev, i know gaviscon is ok as i have had to take that in the past. i would just ask the pharmacist tho they usually are on the ball and give good advice🙂 good luck, hope alex better soon that's not pleasant for him
I'd go with asking the pharmacist or some one from Alexes diabetic team. That way you will know for sure you are doing the right thing.
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