Chemical smell on my breath and weird tastein upper mouth/sinus

Before diagnosis Josie (my daughter) had a really strong pear drop smell on her breath. It was really noticeable and the first real idea we had that something was very wrong.
People report they get a metallic taste from taking metformin.
What sort of a taste, maybe you should see your dentist.
Before diagnosis Josie (my daughter) had a really strong pear drop smell on her breath. It was really noticeable and the first real idea we had that something was very wrong.
Yeah...something similar. Thanks
Just headaches...quite severe at times.
On the lower forehead/nose bridge, sort of between the eyes?

That is how my partner describes it...acidic.
Worth getting your blood sugar tested. But a trauma to the nose can leave a metalic like taste? Can your partner smell similar from your ears? I was once in a situation where an ex could smell “marmite.” Oddly, I could taste it too at the back of the mouth. It turned out to be a sinus infection. It’s worth getting it checked out.
Hi and welcome from me too.

How do you know that your dietary changes are working if you don't test? Uncontrolled diabetes is potentially very serious, so whilst it can be managed and even pushed into remission through the correct dietary approach, you need to be able to see if your dietary changes are working.

How long have you been diagnosed and what was your most recent HbA1c..... this is the blood test used to diagnose diabetes and monitor your management of it and it will usually be a number in excess of 47 mmols/mol when you have a diabetes diagnosis. Many type 2 diabetics are diagnosed just over the threshold in the 50s or 60s but sometimes things have gone seriously amiss and they are much higher and into 3 figures... ie over 100. This is where it becomes quite dangerous and needs to be taken very seriously.

The reason we are particularly concerned about you is because this smell might be the smell of ketones (ketones smell like pear drops or nail varnish remover) and if it is ketones then this indicates that you are going into Diabetic KetoAcidosis DKA. This is a very serious, urgent and life threatening situation, so it is important to get it checked out, particularly if your HbA1c is high or a finger prick reading is showing your levels above 13mmols. You could possibly go to a local pharmacy and ask them to check your BG levels for you and it is possible to buy Ketostix which you can dip into you urine to test for ketones. if it is on your breath, then it will also be in your urine and in your blood and you need urgent medical treatment. If you start to get abdominal pain or nausea/vomiting or respiratory problems then you need to get to hospital urgently to get checked out or you could end up in a coma.

Of course this smell may not be ketones but just a mouth infection or something else, but as a diabetic, it is important to know about DKA and usually it will happen when your BG levels are much too high, so it can be really helpful to do some home testing, to keep yourself safe. Most Type 2 diabetics do not develop ketones, but there are plenty of us here who were initially assumed to be Type 2 and turned out to be Type 1, so it is always possible that you are a misdiagnosed Type 1 or a Type 2 that produces ketones and in both scenarios, ketones are life threatening.
Worth getting your blood sugar tested. But a trauma to the nose can leave a metalic like taste? Can your partner smell similar from your ears? I was once in a situation where an ex could smell “marmite.” Oddly, I could taste it too at the back of the mouth. It turned out to be a sinus infection. It’s worth getting it checked out.
I experienced a constant foul smell due to sinusitis, as well as a foul taste at the back of my throat, which only cleared up after a course of antibiotics. I agree with @rebrascora and with you, though - it would be prudent to get BG checked at a Pharmacy if there's no means of self-testing.
FWIW, I had out-of-control T2D for what must have been quite a long time before I got diagnosed. Towards the end I'd developed a really strong constant metallic taste in my mouth, to the extent I went to a couple of different dentists trying to figure out what was going on. I had pretty bad gum disease - common with out-of-control T2D - but getiing that cleaned up didn't seem to do anything about the taste.

It finally went away after I got diagnosed and brought my diabetes under control. Talking this over with yet another dentist afterwards the best suggestion from them was that the taste might have been caused by some bacterial (?) thing not directly related to the gum disease but also due to high blood sugars,

Like I say, FWIW.
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Hope you are able to get a spot-check done at a local pharmacy to see if it might be glucose-related (or possibly pick up some Ketosticks to check urine for ketones?)

Let ys know what you find out.