Cheekily seeing if anyone has a Libre 2 Reader spare. (update - got one!)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hey all.

I just got libre on script (waiting to see it come up on my repeats before I get too excited) but no reader.
Does anyone have a spare kicking about?
I do have a dexcom one reader if you are looking for one as a trade
I've emailed abbot on the off chance they can send one or give me an option to buy but I know they are trying to shove everyone to the app.

I got a refurbished phone recently and the battery life is not the best so I liked having a backup option of a reader for the last few months I've had dexcom. DSN did say they cant offer dexcom when I mentioned I had been using it.
For all that I love about tech (I'm a proper geek), I do like to untether from my phone now n again 🙂

Thanks for reading x
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I do have a Libre 2 reader that i don't use as I'm using Dexcom G7 (or G6 when i get my pump. I've just switched it on so it's reasonably up to date, but it's full of my data. Don't know how to remove that - it may be in the secret "Professional" options, which I've never bothered to break into!

PM me.
@gll have you tried calling Abbott and asking if they can provide a reader?
If you have no suitable phone it would be to their advantage as they will sell more sensors.

I know someone who has had problems wit their phone and Abbott gave them a reader so it is definitely worth asking.
And it will be a new one.

Although there may be a few unused readers lying around, people may be reluctant to give them up because they have data on them or because they are kept as spare in case of phone or finger prick meter failure (which is my situation)
@mikeyB and @helli
I did the contact form the day I made this thread but heard nothing back 😡
Ill try calling tomorrow and speaking to someone or catch a live chat if they still do that (cant click into it but their opening times are wrong on site and now closed so likely live chat is closed too)

If all fails will shoot ya a PM Mikey 🙂
it does say it stores 90 days of data so not sure if its over that time (could leave it alone until that time is passed as libre is DSN linked for mine)

Just to double check, reader isn't continuous, start with reader and can still use phone function? Does it still do cgm on phone with new updates though or will it be scanning only on phone if I start with the reader?
(@rebrascora did you try at all?)

I 100% proffered to grab and pocket the decxom reader about the house and I have a trip in October where I will be out n about longer than phone battery lasts at present
(actually was getting quotes for a new battery today but no idea of phone performance with a fresh one).
Hi Lou.
If you start the sensor with a reader, you can scan with a phone but you lose the rt-CGM function, so it is still just a Flash CGM even after the successful update. The full CGM is only available if you start the sensor with the phone and then you don't have the option of using the reader. Personally, I much prefer using the reader. I didn't find rt-CGM any benefit for me but I am not joined at the hip with my phone or have it handy to view easily. Love the reader though and find it reassuringly reliable and easy to use.
Thanks Barbara <3

I called them (fed up waiting for them to respond via email) and they are sending me a reader.
Got phone the new phone battery today so will see how that goes.
I will science it all when it arrives and see if diabox will still work with a reader start (not the end of the world if it doesn't).
Current sensor is on its last 24h so will be 2 weeks before I can try it all anyway 🙂

Appreciate the help with it all though!

Now to find out if its worth me buying some libre strips to save carrying the spare meter in my bag if reader will be with me all the time.
Current sensor is on its last 24h so will be 2 weeks before I can try it all anyway 🙂
They’re pretty speedy at sending things (to me at least!) so could always have a days gap for reader to arrive if you get the delivery date soon.
Now to find out if its worth me buying some libre strips to save carrying the spare meter in my bag if reader will be with me all the time.
I bought some Freestyle Optium test strips because I failed to get them on prescription and I hate my prescribed Caresens Duo as it says the batteries are low all the time even a week after I have changed them and it is just because it doesn't like cold.... or more to the point it needs to be warm to function, even at this time of year it is only happy if it has been in a warm car for an hour or down my bra for a few mins.... starting to think it has a fetish o_O! Anyway, what I have found with the Optium test strips is that they read lower than my Libre scan and that is lower than my Caresens by about 1mmol, so either the Caresens is reading falsely high or the Optium strips read significantly low. Whilst I hate the Caresens meter I have some trust in the results it gives when it can be persuaded to work. I have much less trust in the Optium strips with them reading significantly lower and considering that my HbA1c is always higher than the predicted Libre HbA1c and Libre reads lower than the Caresens, I assume that the Caresens is probably about right. So the Optium strips are not particularly helpful in my opinion and I don't think I want them on prescription now having tried them and perhaps need to investigate a third option for myself.

If you get some Optium test strips, I will be interested to hear how they compare to your current meter and your Libre readings.... I did wnder if I just got a bit of a duff batch, but they are consistently 1-1.5mmols lower than Caresens. .
I love my prescribed one (tee2+) and generally trust it - it was always pretty on par with my accuchek instant that I bought at the very start and I also don't need to shove test strips down my bra to make it work either).
Can do a little science with libre at the very least when I get around to ordering some :D Shall report back 😉

and I dont think I can justify a libre break just now with dsn review coming up and only just getting them added 😉
It is the meter that has to go down my bra not the test strips, usually with the battery cover off to allow direct heat to the batteries. The button batteries just seem to really struggle when they are not warm, whereas the rechargeable Libre battery is great in the cold but the test strips read low, which means that sometimes I get grounded from driving because they read 1.5mmols lower than the Caresens, so show me hypo when I don't believe I am.
If you get some Optium test strips, I will be interested to hear how they compare to your current meter and your Libre readings
I have been using Optimum test strips for years.
Rarely with the Libre reader - that is my back up meter because it is so big. I use the Optimum Neo as my main meter (after my CGM).
I have only CGMs to compare with my meter. Since I started using this meter, I have used Libre 1, Libre 2, Dexcom 4, Dexcom 6 and Medtrum Nano CGMs. (I have been lucky to have the opportunity to trial a few.) They all vary from my finger pricks to some extent but never consistently high or consistently low. I am happy to trust the Optimum strips with my meter.

Thinking about it, I may have been using the Optimum test strips for longer. A few years ago I was on a trial of an ultra fast insulin from NovoNordisk. (This may have become Fiasp.) The meter used for that trial used individually wrapped test strips so may well have been Optimum test strips.

The only thing I dislike about them is the additional waste from being individually wrapped but it does mean I can shove 5 strips in my wallet when I go out which is easier than a tub.
Now to find out if its worth me buying some libre strips to save carrying the spare meter in my bag if reader will be with me all the time
The test strips for the Libre are a lot more expensive than others so it is a balance between cost and convenience of carrying less stuff.
yeah I saw they were on the higher end of price for strips range.
Will get one pack and figure out if its worth it from there 🙂
I don't think the strips are more expensive I pay between £10-12 for them off Amazon. I have in the past paid up to £25 for some brands of strips.
I was in boots and asked price and was told £29 o_O
Amazon is £15 and has prime delivery :D
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