Checking your blood sugar level

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone
I have a question
I have just been newly diagnosed type 2 whilst being in hospital. Whilst there I had it checked 3 times a day.
I got in touch with my own doctor when released and he said as I am on tablets there is no need to check it with the finger pricks. Does this sound right?
I would appreciate any advice any of you can give me cause as I said newly diagnosed (about 8 weeks) so not sure about alot of it or what it involves. Doc just wants me to have a blood test mid to end July
Thanks for any help you can give me.
Welcome to the forum
The question about testing is one of those hot topics. GPs will often say that people don't need to test because there is no requirement for them to prescribe monitors and test strips for Type 2s unless they are on oral medication that can cause low blood glucose, however many people find it is invaluable to test to keep track on there progress in reducing their blood glucose by testing on a daily or weekly basis in the morning or it order to get their dietary changes optimised for them by testing the effect of their meals.
Medication alone is unlikely to be successful without dietary changes. People also check if they feel unwell.
So having a home blood glucose testing monitor is a valuable tool in blood glucose mangement rather than waiting for a 3 monthly HbA1C test to know if you are on track and that the measures you are taking are being effective. 3 months is a long time if things are not working.
Perhaps if you say a little more about the circumstances of your diagnosis, what your HbA1C is and what the medication is that you have been given as that will influence the suggestions people will give.
The important thing to remember is that all carbohydrates convert to glucose so reducing them is needed. How much work you need to do will depend on how far into the diabetic zone you are and your HbA1C will indicate that. The threshold for diagnosis is anything over 47mmol/mol.
What was your hba1c and what other advice did you receive?
I had had a couple of falls and the last time before I was admitted to hospital I lost the use of my legs. I was given a like price at the time of my fall but that was normal.
After being admitted to hospital and after a blood test I was told I had diabetes. I asked if they had any leaflets etc about it told no but to look at this website for any information and off the lady went leaving me a shocked that i had been diagnosed but the not having any information and leaving me to source it myself.
I am on two lots of tablets metformin3 times a day and another which I can't think of the name of it at present but one which they are having difficulty getting.
I was just shocked when the doctor said there was no need for the pinprick after it was done 3 times a day I hospital ut with only being a couple of months into this I thought I would have been told to do it for a short while at least.
I would li,d to keep control what is best the pin pricks or the tech and if the tech which is the best to go for.
My story is I was also told by my GP not to test. But that made no sense to me or to the nurse at the surgery. So I bought myself a testing kit and tested to see what foods were ok and what wasn't that good. I also kept a food diary. 5 years down the road I now only check when I eat different foods. My GP is delighted with my blood test results but is blissfully unaware of my early days testing regime.
I had had a couple of falls and the last time before I was admitted to hospital I lost the use of my legs. I was given a like price at the time of my fall but that was normal.
After being admitted to hospital and after a blood test I was told I had diabetes. I asked if they had any leaflets etc about it told no but to look at this website for any information and off the lady went leaving me a shocked that i had been diagnosed but the not having any information and leaving me to source it myself.
I am on two lots of tablets metformin3 times a day and another which I can't think of the name of it at present but one which they are having difficulty getting.
I was just shocked when the doctor said there was no need for the pinprick after it was done 3 times a day I hospital ut with only being a couple of months into this I thought I would have been told to do it for a short while at least.
I would li,d to keep control what is best the pin pricks or the tech and if the tech which is the best to go for.
That must have been a shock, have you now got the use of your legs back and were they saying it was down to the undiagnosed diabetes?
One question to ask your GP is what the result of your HbA1C is as that will give an indication as to how much work and changes you will need to make. I suspect it might be quite high if you have been prescribed 2 medications. Metformin helps the body use the insulin it is producing more effectively but it is still important to reduce the carbohydrates as oral meds alone are unlikely to be sufficient. If you can post what the other medication is that will help people give appropriate advice.
A couple of blood glucose monitors with the cheaper test strips are the Gluco Navii or TEE 2 available on line but depending on what the other medication is your GP might be obliged to prescribe one.
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