Checking blood sugar levels

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been diagnosed type two diabetic about 5 months and am on metformin tablets.I started on 2 a day one morning and one evening that has now been upped to three a day.
During this time I have never checked my own blood sugars or been advised to by a Doctor though it seems that everyone else that I read about seem to do the finger prick test regularly am I in a minority and should I ask my GP about doing this.
I had my 3 monthly test and it came out at 6.6 a drastic improvement on when first diagnosed though I understand it should be idealy be be 6.5 and below.
My cholestrol was also quite high 5 .7 the doctor suggested tablets for this to but I declined for now to see how I go.
I have since diagnosis been excercising regularly,running 3 miles 3 times a week when I can and eating healthy food as the whole thing came as a bit of a shock to me,though my mum did have it and did absolutely nothing about it carrying on stuffing choc bars as before and I am slightly oer weight.
I would appreciate your advice,even the what to eat what not to eat seems very complicated though I suppose I`ll get used to it.
But without checking your levels yourself how do you know if you are doing well or not except for the 3 monthly test.
hi mike and a warm welcome to the forum , i have been diagnosed 5 mnth and im also on metformin twice daily at the minute , I think if you have a good look around the site you will find some ideas/suggestions on what is best to eat and what to avoid , the one thing i always think and what others say is nothing is banned it is just moderations is needed one thing i have done alot more since feb is cook alot of my own food it is good as i know what ingredients go in my food , some may not have the means nor the time but i find it helps tremendously x
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Welcome Mike,

Seems like you have been doing well an a1c of 6.6% after only 3 months is very good, you are right that ideally it's below 6.5% I'm sure you can reach that next time.

Self testing for type 2's on oral medications can be a difficult one, many GP don't want to prescribe test strips, usually down to cost. But what most people find is that if they use the testing and act on the results it can be invaluable especially when newly diagnosed. Testing will allow you to see which food spike your blood sugars and what you can manage to eat without too large a spike. I would suggest you go back and ask for a meter and some test strips and then see how you get on.

Don't be afriad to ask any questions
Hi IronMike,

Cant say anything other than what Steff and Sofaraway have said already..
Have a word with your DSN or GP, about a blood glucose monitor..they may not prescribe one though...but if they won't most chemists or supermarkets have them for you to purchase I think they are about ?10..not sure how much the test strips are to buy though.

test strips can cost anything from ?20 to ?25 per 50 as for a meter phone one of the company's they might send you one for free and the meter comes with 10 strips.

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