Check up at doctors

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was asked to go to my doctors today for what i thought was a check up on a long term medical condition annual review. I assumed that i was seeing a diabetes nurse about my type 2 diabetes condition. Instead i was met by a Pharmacist who asked me how was my asthma , I don’t even suffer with asthma.
When i challenged her about discussing my type 2 she said that i didn’t need to check my bloods other than once per week if i wanted to. That they don’t give the blood monitors out anymore, that blood tests would only be carried out every 12 months and when discussing blood pressure she took my verbal readings and didn’t check herself.

My final comment was about my feet, i have noticed my feet are sore and sometimes tingly i use a foot cream everyday. She said that she would get a foot nurse to ring me.
Can anyone confirm if annual blood tests is the norm and whether testing once per week is okay or should i push my GP for a meeting. I know the NHS is under pressure but a pharmacist surely shouldn’t be making these decisions should they?
Annual tests are normal yes, it’s not normal to be asked to test once a week, usually you would be told no need to test at all so good they’re supporting some testing even if it is very minimal.
For the blood pressure, your readings in appointments would often be higher because of white coat syndrome so it’s changed now to them often preferring home readings if you can do them so that will be why they took your own readings
I was dealing with the pharmacist for my t2 until he left the practice. Its not unusual.

I always do my own bp. I think as long as you have a decent monitor, they are happy for you to take it yourself.
I have white coat syndrome (super high bp in clinical settings) so my at home ones are more accurate to base medication needs on 🙂

Own blood testing depends on what medications you are on. If you are on anything that can result in hypos (insulin/gliclazide) then testing should be more frequently.
That's the clinical answer but you can test as often as you like. esp if you are trying to build a picture of how you handle foods to adjust your diet to suit. You just have to pay for the strips yourself.
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It does sound strange the lack of familiarity with your condition but our surgery has a clinical pharmacist who does a periodic medication review and can recommend blood tests or other checks. Unless newly diagnosed or poorly managed people only get a Hb1AC once a year. But it may well depend on your GP surgery.
However many people who are Type 2 have to self fund a blood glucose monitor and strips to test as often as they deem needed to keep good blood glucose management, that is unless they are on certain medication which could cause hypos and then they should be prescribed a monitor.
Yes once a year is normal unless your hba1c number has increased. Then it's supposed to be every six months. I have never had a tablet review in 11 years!!! I am just left to fend for myself
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