chat room

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all just wondering wat you would think about having a chat room and if it would be allowed i dpont mind being a modorator or admin for this i think a few people would benefit from one thats all i know i wil
this was talked about a while back...however i think it was decided the forum was pretty quick and pms can be used for personal chats ...correct me if im wrong ...alot of folk here are on Facebook and msn tho.x
I think it would be hard to moderate. As Am says, there has been talk of one before, but it's been decided not to go ahead. There's always the Banting and Best thread over on Off Topic for informal chat 🙂
That and people like myself are always happy to pass on MSN details if you want to rant to an induvidual or somethign similar.

Hi Aimee
We had people ask about a chatroom in here quite awhile back. I in fact set up and opened a chatroom for the forum, but not one member showed any interest or even paid a visit to that chatroom when I posted the details here.
hmm, if the admins/mods do ever change their minds my offer to help with the setup still stands. I've just used the same setup as before on a new site and its relatively easy to do so did not take long.

But moderating is the problem and we have more international mods who are around a fair proportion of the time - and mods with a lot of experience too. So I can see why there might be some reluctance.
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