Charity bosses should not be pocketing six figure sums

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
They appear to have become infected with malaise that infects the City; to get bright, talented people to do important jobs they need to be paid ridiculous salaries.

This morning I joined the hundreds of thousands of Britons who have contributed to the Philippines Typhoon appeal.
The appeal is now in spitting distance of ?50m, which is pretty good going, particularly given that the BBC?s long running Children in Need Appeal also managed over ?30m just a few days ago.

My donation, to quote the website of the Disasters Emergency Committee, ?could provide a family with food for two weeks?.

Note the ?could?. It?s clever marketing that is designed to create a warm glow in your heart, as you imagine some poor family now eating thanks to you. In fact the money goes into a big pot which the DEC members then distribute, and it may get spent on food or it may get spent on something quite different. But I know that, and I accept that. I still give because it is the right thing to do.
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