Charcot foot

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Got charcot foot in right leg took focus month or so 2 diagnosis this ended up in cast and waiting for it 2 settle down ... end of last week noticed pain and tightening in calf went 2 A&E got cast cut off ... have scan Monday 2 be told now have a DVT...feels like all going wrong ....
Feeling overwhelmed with the whole situation when went a&e got asked by nurses and docs if on blood thiners said no they where very surprised.. feels like one step forward 3 back ......
So sorry to hear about your Charcot Foot @Jezza42

It must be very difficult for you :(

One of our members @Flower has been living with Charcot foot for some time, and may be able to offer some moral support?

Are you in touch with your local high risk / urgent podiatry service? (I can’t quite remember the correct term)

Podiatry does seem to be one of the services that has been severely affected by health service cutbacks :(
I’m really sorry you’re dealing with Charcot foot & feeling overwhelmed by it @Jezza42

Have you got one team looking after your treatment or is it fragmented care. Since COVID services especially podiatry appear to have been badly affected and aren’t back to anywhere near where they used to be. Are you able to contact the clinic where your cast was done & ask about blood thinners & if you need them?

Charcot foot is a chronic tricky complication that can do the unexpected sometimes. Things will hopefully settle down for you once the DVT has been treated & you can start mending.

Being in a cast long term brings it’s own problems, not moving as much not weight bearing on a leg and maybe a cast that is too tight & restricts circulation. An added problem is if you have neuropathy & can’t feel if things are going wrong with skin & circulation.

It is a lot to deal with. I was told years ago to be a patient patient as Charcot can take a while to settle with some bumps in the road. Take good care of yourself, it takes time but you will get to a better place with it. Best wishes.
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