Charcot foot problems

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Argh, the one thing I didn't want to happen. The mangled mess of collapsed bones in my Charcot foot has moved. The main un-mended fracture in the top of my foot is hurting as everything has shifted sideways. I feel quite sick about it.

I had an emergency podiatry appointment after going through the triage system and they contacted the plaster room who saw me later the same day and made me a new plaster cast as the other was rubbing my skin where it no longer fitted. I was asked when I had my next orthopaedic appointment- I don't have one, I've had 1 telephone call 11 months back along with phone call podiatry every 3 months. I've been paying for private podiatry and thank goodness they told me I needed to see diabetes podiatry asap.

I've got to ring for an orthopaedic appointment but I'm sick at the thought of it. The only thing they have left to offer after multiple failed surgeries is a below knee amputation and I just cannot deal with that but I also need to know what bone/bones have crumbled and if there's any chance it will settle and stop collapsing further.

Help! Diabetes is scaring me so much.
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@Flower , I’m so sorry to hear this, I know a change in your foot was the one thing you were praying didn’t happen. Sending you all the support vibes and hugs that the airwaves can carry.
No practical advice, I’m afraid @Flower but sending you a massive hug XX Diabetes can be utter cr*p sometimes.
Thanks, I know there’s nothing I can do but find out what’s given way & take it from there. Diabetes is utterly unforgiving & can be so destructive. :(
So sorry @Flower - nothing I can advise on, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you x
Oh Flower! I am so very sorry. I hope it stabilizes again after this further bone collapse and the new plaster allows it to set and the pain from the fracture eases again. I can't begin to imagine how worried you must be and you work so hard at keeping mobile despite your obvious difficulties and discomfort. It really just isn't fair that you have been dealt such a rough hand with this. Keeping fingers crossed for you and sending (((HUGS)))
Hey Flower
what horrible news for you to have to deal with, must be utterly terrifying for you. I hope they have better news for you than you hope. Sending you all the good vibes I can muster and crossing fingers for you x
Hi Flower. I can't offer much in the way of advice but want to offer you lots of love. X
Oh no @Flower. Sending (((HUGS))) and all the best wishes I can muster.
Ack! (((((((( @Flower ))))))))

Really really sorry to hear this. :(

Hope you get some good news, and the new cast offers some relief while you adjust to this change.
Hi Flower I hope that you get more favourable news than you are perhaps expecting. Big hugs xx
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