Changing your GP

I have LITERALLY just done it.

On the surface very simple, but we are having a bit of a challenge gaining access to our full medical records, which I consider an imperative.

For us, the process was completed in under a week, although we were moving to another surgery within the same CCG (or whatever we call those things now!).

If you have things on repeat, just ensure you make the change AFTER you have a repeat fulfilled as the "old place" cancelled all items on mine, which I feel was certainly a financial thing, rather than an assessment that my hypothyroidism had miraculously repaired itself.

One thing to note is, after applying to the new place, any issues that crop up between application and the transfer being completed you have to use the old place.

Just my experience.
Many thanks for that reply. Hopefully equally easy for everyone.
I have LITERALLY just done it.

On the surface very simple, but we are having a bit of a challenge gaining access to our full medical records, which I consider an imperative.

For us, the process was completed in under a week, although we were moving to another surgery within the same CCG (or whatever we call those things now!).

If you have things on repeat, just ensure you make the change AFTER you have a repeat fulfilled as the "old place" cancelled all items on mine, which I feel was certainly a financial thing, rather than an assessment that my hypothyroidism had miraculously repaired itself.

One thing to note is, after applying to the new place, any issues that crop up between application and the transfer being completed you have to use the old place.

Just my experience.
It seems an odd situation with medical records, the physio I am seeing at the hospital has full access to all my records including blood test results that were done by the GP surgery but the GP doesn't have access to anything done by the hospital, like the MRI on my knee that the ortho consultant ordered.
It seems an odd situation with medical records, the physio I am seeing at the hospital has full access to all my records including blood test results that were done by the GP surgery but the GP doesn't have access to anything done by the hospital, like the MRI on my knee that the ortho consultant ordered.
I suspect I have found the same, and it's probably the case for everyone:
  • the results of tests ordered by my GP appear on the NHS app/website, because he updates them there
  • the results of tests ordered by any of my multifarious consultants don't appear anywhere accessible, even on the Patients Know Best website
I have sometimes managed to get the consultant's medical secretary to send me the results by post, but that's hit and miss.

Does anyone know whether Patients Know Best is intended to take over all/some of the features of the NHS app/website?
Is there any hope of a integrated patient information mechanism?
It seems an odd situation with medical records, the physio I am seeing at the hospital has full access to all my records including blood test results that were done by the GP surgery but the GP doesn't have access to anything done by the hospital, like the MRI on my knee that the ortho consultant ordered.
After applying for a third time (don't ask), it seems I will be granted access to my full record. "It just takes time".

At the old place, when I complied with their application process, I had full access by the time I got home.

Patience is a virtue. Shame I find it in short supply right now, due to needing a referral and not being able to see if it has been actioned.

My Endo could see ALL of my electronic records from the private hospital where I was consulting him. With my GDP hat on, I could have complained, but in the context it suited me quite well.

You can't beat a decent process. Shame decent processes are sometimes in short supply.
You can't beat a decent process. Shame decent processes are sometimes in short supply.
Like common sense: frequently not commonly found.
I suspect I have found the same, and it's probably the case for everyone:
  • the results of tests ordered by my GP appear on the NHS app/website, because he updates them there
  • the results of tests ordered by any of my multifarious consultants don't appear anywhere accessible, even on the Patients Know Best website
I have sometimes managed to get the consultant's medical secretary to send me the results by post, but that's hit and miss.

Does anyone know whether Patients Know Best is intended to take over all/some of the features of the NHS app/website?
Is there any hope of a integrated patient information mechanism?
I thought you had to register with another password for Patent Knows Best.
We switched GPs recently. The new one is exceptionally well organised. BUT - though they provide direct access to the records since we joined (excellent) - they are not linked into the NHS App so we can no longer see our previous records online (not great). However they will print out my previous test results on request.
We switched GPs recently. The new one is exceptionally well organised. BUT - though they provide direct access to the records since we joined (excellent) - they are not linked into the NHS App so we can no longer see our previous records online (not great). However they will print out my previous test results on request.
When my old GP gave me access to my Full Medical record, it only went back something like 30 days.

Before that date, I had had access to my coded record for my lifetime, so the full access felt like a retrograde step. In order to achieve what I wanted I had to write a letter (no form available)making it clear what I wanted was my full record, in all respects for all matter from my birth to date.

That sort of achieved it. There were still things like aspects of my GP's notes that I couldn't see, but I gave up pushing in the end.

I mean, It was and is, MY information.
ROFL - I happened to get re-referred to NHS podiatry and received a phone call saying they'd had a cancellation and could I get there at 1pm the following day - Yes please! :D er, but where do I actually go for this? (same place as before, City of Cov Health Centre - so went but apparently they're about to change where it is so next appt in Sept won't be there but wouldn't/couldn't tell me where or when at that stage) and anyway - podiatrist checked my medical records since it's been a good number of years since I've ever needed them so that's no bad thing anyway - and says I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes on 24th August 1966. Now that was a surprise - cos I could swear I left senior school in July 1966, met a bloke in 1967, married him on Easter Saturday (April 10th) 1971 and wasn't diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes until the following August! (about a fortnight after my best mate got married at the end of July 1972)
ROFL - I happened to get re-referred to NHS podiatry and received a phone call saying they'd had a cancellation and could I get there at 1pm the following day - Yes please! :D er, but where do I actually go for this? (same place as before, City of Cov Health Centre - so went but apparently they're about to change where it is so next appt in Sept won't be there but wouldn't/couldn't tell me where or when at that stage) and anyway - podiatrist checked my medical records since it's been a good number of years since I've ever needed them so that's no bad thing anyway - and says I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes on 24th August 1966. Now that was a surprise - cos I could swear I left senior school in July 1966, met a bloke in 1967, married him on Easter Saturday (April 10th) 1971 and wasn't diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes until the following August! (about a fortnight after my best mate got married at the end of July 1972)
That explains the mysterious letter I had a couple of weeks ago about reorganisation of community health services.
I thought you had to register with another password for Patent Knows Best.
I had to choose a slightly more complex password for Patients Know Best, but I then retrofitted it into my NHS website logon. Both logon informations are now identically identical.
I could swear I left senior school in July 1966, met a bloke in 1967, married him on Easter Saturday (April 10th) 1971 and wasn't diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes until the following August! (about a fortnight after my best mate got married at the end of July 1972)
Isn't that TMI?!