Changing over to insulatard

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
my gp is changing me over to this brand of insulin just wondered if others had experience of it😎
What insulin are you changing from or is it a "as well as"?

I am insulatard twice a day plus actrapid. Is the idea of the insulatard purely as a background insulin. I am Type I so it is somewhat different.
I was originally on insulatard but I am now on lantus.

If you are also using a short acting insulin then its easy not to confuse them as you have to shake the insulatard and it is cloudy, whereas the short acting will be clear. The only other thing I was told was with insulatard to have a snack before bed as it has a peak a few hours after you inject.
im changing from lantus solostar my gp and consultant are insistaning on this due to something i did.
I used to be on insulatard as my background insulin and novorapid with meals.. I think the insulatard stopped working for me and I was changed to levemir which I find better for me.. hope you get on ok with it 🙂
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