Changing Hospitals

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I have been with my Diabetes team in Aberystwyth for five years now. My pump is funded by Hywel Dda. However I recently got a new job in Cardiff. I have actually been spending most of my time in South Wales anyway for the last year or so but have been able to easily get to my pump team in Aber for appointments etc because I only worked part time and could take days off at short notice. My pump team thought I spent most of my time in Aber and would be shocked if they knew I wasn't - I feel awful for lying to them all this time but they said if I moved away they could not be my Diabetes team anymore and they are the best team I've ever had.

Now I have a full-time job in Cardiff I would like to move to a different team in a Cardiff hospital. This is because I would find it difficult to get to Aber quickly for appointments or if I had a major problem that needed sorting. However Cardiff hospitals are funded by a different health board.

I suppose my question is how do I get the ball rolling on this? And more importantly will they take my pump off me? I can't manage without my pump, I had to do without it for one day last year and I felt so unwell. Even if Cardiff let me have a new pump, will my old Diabetes team take my current pump off me in the interim?

I would be grateful if someone could get back to me on this, especially if they have experienced something similar. I'm also worried about changing GP surgeries and getting a new one which will give me the amount of test strips I need (4 boxes per month).

Thanks for reading this and sorry it's such a long and confusing message lol 😱
I guess you might get some help / advice from your local (to either area, but probably Cardiff and Vale is more appropriate as that is where you want to move TO) Community Health Council - see

INPUT might also more indepth knowledge about insulin pump clinics in Wales - see to get started.

Before anyone in England suggests PALS, that doesn't operate for patient advice and liaison in Wales, and PALS also means Practical Aids for Living Service, run by Red Cross.

Hope everything works out for you eventually - it may take a while to get transfer sorted out.
Hi Lauren,

All you need to do is to ask your GP for a referral to another hospital. You are allowed to do this under 'patient choice' and you dont have to give a reason.🙂Funding of the pump - it is your local PCT who are paying for your pump - no matter which hospital you go to - they will bill your PCT - who cant refuse if a Consultant has recommended pump therapy. (i.e. it goes by your postcode).

We go to 'out of area' because our local team are not good - and we have never had a problem with either funding or access to care. The Aberystwyth team are not correct when they say they cant treat you - this happens all the time so not sure why they are saying this to you.

It would be worth ringing the Cardiff team and asking for their advice - I am sure they wont be taking your pump off you - and if they do - contact your local MP and media.🙂Bev
Hi Lauren.
panic not your pump wont be taken away from you. Just make sure you have enough supplies to last a couple of months as it can take awhile to sort out paper work for the transfer.
Good luck with your full time job.
Hi everyone thanks for your advice 🙂 I feel a bit less worried now knowing that it's unlikely my pump will be taken off me 🙂

I will definitely check out those websites and I will have to choose a Cardiff hospital and ring their team to see what my options are.

I'll keep you all updated 🙂

Thanks x
Hi Lauren
I moved from Manchester to Aberdeen whilst on an insulin pump. When I told my Manchester support team that I was moving, they kindly sent me a year's supply of consumables to make sure I had plenty!
However, I didn't have any problems with registering at a new GP and a referral to the team up here.
The only real difference I've found is they only send me supplies for 3 months up here whilst Manchester sent me a yearly supply (assume it was coz it made delivery costs cheaper!!).
I do miss my Manchester team as the ones up here aren't as good - mainly coz they don't have as many people on pumps here. But hey, I'll get them trained (even if it's just in better manners!!).
Good luck with the swap. 🙂
Thanks Suzie it's nice to hear from somebody who has experienced moving 🙂
Good luck with move. I worked in cardiff about 15yrs ago for 3 month. An excellent place & full of life ! 🙂
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