Changing from Novomix to Trurapi and Lantus


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, due to a lack of success with Novomix (68units morning and evening) the clinic have changed me to Lantus and Trurapi.

Took my first Trurapi injection earlier today and had a weird feeling for about an hour after including being really aware of my heartbeat and feeling a bit dizzy.

I've just done my evening Lantus first injection and so far it seems fine.

But my sugars are high this evening - I know this is probably a stupid question but should I expect them to be a bit all over the place for a while?
Yes, your sugars could be a bit erratic while they sort out the best doses for you @Nell83 They usually start people on less insulin than they think they’ll need, then adjust it gradually.
I think a little upheaval is very common when swapping between different insulins - even between different long acting or short acting insulins while the other remains the same.

It doesn’t seem to be a case of simply swapping ‘like for like’ or just switching from the Total Daily Dose of a mixed insulin into basal and bolus component parts.

Hopefully it won’t be long before you find a set of doses that work for you (most of the time!).

Have they given you guidance on what amount of carbohydrate you should be aiming for at your different meals? If your doses are fixed, you ought to be balancing that with a consistent level of carbohydrate intake.