Changing cannula type

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I’ve been having issues with pump cannulas this year, reacting to the adhesive, poor or non absorbency and have been trying to reach further round my back to find new more absorbent areas. I’ve tried skin tac wipes and cavilon spray which helped a bit with the itching but I’m having to change cannulas every 48 hours else my blood sugar shoots up to the 20’s. My DSN suggested trying barrier cream, wipes etc and I have but it’s not solved my issues so we decided to try a different cannula. My consultant agreed with this and asked the rep to contact me which they did. We agreed I’d try a new type of Medtronic cannula but nothing happened so I wrote and asked again if I could try something different and the answer was I couldn’t use anything different as the supplies were all needed for existing users. The solution suggested to my skin reacting badly to adhesives is to put IV3000 adhesive dressings over my skin before inserting my existing cannulas. I’m not covering more skin with adhesive patches when that’s one of my main issues.

Has any one managed to try or change to a different cannula from Medtronic? I really am struggling to keep doing this cannula changing and chasing down high sugars after 22 years of using a pump.
Hi @Flower

I have some Medtronic Mio Advanced, as well as some quicke sets, as they did Not do long tubing for the Mio Advanced. I was also notified as an existing customer that there were supply issues temporarily so they sent me just one box initially. I do change my cannula every two days otherwise I get problemswith the sites. I discussed this with the DSN and they just sent a written agreement to send me more than three boxes every month.

Which Ines are you using at present
Thanks @SB2015

I’ve used Quick sets for about 12 years but am having real trouble stretching around my back to insert them needing to press both sides of the inserter together. I think the Mio Advance have one button on the top to insert so hoped to give that a go. I understand the need to supply existing users but hoped I could go on a waiting list if there is such a thing to try something different,

I feel a bit despondent dealing with failing cannulas/sites along with reacting to the adhesive whilst being advised to use more adhesive dressings to solve the problem.
I’ve used Quick sets for about 12 years but am having real trouble stretching around my back to insert them needing to press both sides of the inserter together.
Hi Flower,
I have stopped using the quick sets due to the same issues you mention. Medtronics cannulas are the pits.
Never had any problems with the Animas cannulas.

I would also have words with moronic regarding the supply of new cannulas as it seems strange they can dictate as to what you use when they state they are a prescription item and have been prescribed by your consultant.
Hi @Pumper_Sue , my consultant agreed I could try them so I’ll contact my DSN & Medtronic next week and ask how I can actually try them.

Have you found a way to manage reactions at cannula sites or have you managed to change cannula type? Cannula are the weakest link with pumps, it doesn’t matter what tech & gizmos are available if there is an issue with getting reliable insulin delivery.
ave you found a way to manage reactions at cannula sites or have you managed to change cannula type? Cannula are the weakest link with pumps, it doesn’t matter what tech & gizmos are available if there is an issue with getting reliable insulin delivery.
It's not so much the reaction that bothers me but the very high failure rate of the cannulas.
The Mio Advanced do indeed have a single button in the top. I have had no failures and I just rest it in me for a moment to warm up the glue, press the button in the top, job done. I also find it a lot easier to disconnect than the twisting of the quick sets, especially as I work round to wards my back.

Has your DSN got any just to let you try one. If your DSN prescribe the cannula that should put you on the list. I had a single box sent with my order but then they sent the rest the following week. I had assumed that their issues around production had cleared.
Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time getting hold of some alternative sets @Flower

These supply disruptions must be so frustrating for you :(

When I was looking to try different Medtronic cannulas, I was able to get some samples of all the different types (at the time!) from my DSN as @SB2015 suggests.

Hope you can get hold of some soon.
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