Changing basal rates

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am used to doing basal rate testing and usually find that there is a tweak needed in some parts of the day. However, over the past few months I have had regular UTIs and have used TBRs of up to 250% which I have then brought down as antibiotics have done their stuff.

After the most recent infection I finally had a hypo, and thought that things were settled, although I still have three more days on antibiotics to go, so perhaps it is too soon. I had got back to 100% on basal rates, but then woke this morning with Libre showing a steady rise over night, corrected and adjusted basal thinking that that was the problem, however I have continued to see increases in BG through the day, so have gone back up to 120% to manage this. Better than before where for this one I started on 180%.

So cutting any more waffle, and getting to the point, I am struggling to do any basal rate testing, but wondering whether anyone has had experience of needing an increase across their basal rate profile after an infection. I am not sure whether this is the remains of an infection, or incorrect basal rate.

It is further complicated by the lab saying that there is no bacterial infection. However I was glowing for all the bits (apart from ketones I am pleased to say) on the dip test, and have felt ver6 poorly, sleeping for two full days. Has anyone had this situation? Any ideas?
Hi SB, hope you're feeling better soon. No experience of infections, but I have needed to increase all my basal rates since the clocks changed, I think due to the differing light levels effects on hormones. Maybe this has coincided with your infection?
Hi SB, hope you're feeling better soon. No experience of infections, but I have needed to increase all my basal rates since the clocks changed, I think due to the differing light levels effects on hormones. Maybe this has coincided with your infection?
Thanks Pigeon. That is a new one on me, or I have just missed it with the use of corrections etc.
I had mapped out basal rate checks for the forthcoming week and I guess with the latest antibiotics there is no sense in diong it. I just find it hard to fit these in. I might well end up ‘interviewing basal rate changes’ using TBRs (an idea from @everydayupsanddowns ) to get things sorted.
I always do it by TBR first and leaving that for a couple of days anyway, to see if it works and does what I want it to, before I make 'permanent' changes.
I always do it by TBR first and leaving that for a couple of days anyway, to see if it works and does what I want it to, before I make 'permanent' changes.
Do you find that in general changes that you need are across the full 24 hours. Up until now I have only needed to tweak sections of the day.
Still a useful technique for me, though interestingly I don’t always end up applying the same increase / decrease as the % TBR would numerically suggest.
Still a useful technique for me, though interestingly I don’t always end up applying the same increase / decrease as the % TBR would numerically suggest.
Thanks Mike
Do you usually find that a change that need is required across the full 24 hours?
Not always any more. The seasonal changes used to seem to shift the whole pattern up/down by ‘a couple of notches’ in my early pump years, but more recently my pattern seems to change shape more often than not.

I’ve been tweaking my basal today after 3 days of BGs in the teens from about 8pm until a 2am correction (even though I allegedly have enough iob at bedtime). Historically bedtime/early hours have been my lowest basal requirement, but this week it seems to be flattening out there. No idea what will happen in a week or two’s time, of course!
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