Changing basal rates with Fiasp

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
having done a basal rate test I have found a blip which I need to change.
For NOvorapid I change the rate either one or two hours before the problem.
With FIASP I am not sure when to do it.
Logic suggests that it is so quick (for me) I should do it at the time of the blip.

Any other users with an idea
I've done all my changes for 2 hours before the change is needed, the only thing I have found is the pattern has changed.
I would have gone for 1 hour I think. But perhaps try 30 minuts if you find Fiasp is acting quickly for you @SB2015 ?
Thanks for replies.

I can only change in one hour block, so thought that I would go for changing one hour before.
My logic is that if I do the change at the same time of the blip it could work too soon. If I set the change at one hour before it might involve a slight rise beforehand but the 3:00 am I get dip will then bring it back down.
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