Changing basal needs

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
What is it that makes a perfectly good basal set up suddenly need altering?

I have used my present basal set up for a good few months without problems then for about the last week my blood sugar has started rising up into the 12s to 15s from about 10pm to midnight followed by a dramatic fall through to 3am when I have been going hypo. I've not changed weight, I've eaten the same carbohydrate amounts at the same time of day, I'm still trying to get my fractured foot to mend but that's not new. I find it exasperating when something that was working goes haywire for no apparent reason. Am I missing something obvious or is it just diabetes being awkward?
Spring has sprung! There is also an r in the month. Or some other reason. 😉

We see clear seasonal changes (in addition to changes due to growth spurts and changes due to being in school as opposed to on holiday). Hba1c's for my son (and lots of other kids) tend to be lower in the part of the year with the longest hours of daylight (bit like gas bills!). He is just as active all year round so it isn't that. All you can do is respond to the BG data and adjust things until you are back on target. 🙂
Spring has sprung! There is also an r in the month. Or some other reason. 😉

We see clear seasonal changes (in addition to changes due to growth spurts and changes due to being in school as opposed to on holiday). Hba1c's for my son (and lots of other kids) tend to be lower in the part of the year with the longest hours of daylight (bit like gas bills!). He is just as active all year round so it isn't that. All you can do is respond to the BG data and adjust things until you are back on target. 🙂

yes, good advice! just keep checking your BG levels and adjust accordingly remember the 2-3 hour timeframe for the basal adjustment to take effect. The seasons always affect my basals.
I love the idea of my HbA1c and BGs changing through the seasons like a gas bill what a great analogy. I will fiddle around with my basal levels until I get back to where I started and won't hold it against Spring arriving.
I love the idea of my HbA1c and BGs changing through the seasons like a gas bill what a great analogy. I will fiddle around with my basal levels until I get back to where I started and won't hold it against Spring arriving.
However, gas bills have a tendency to show an underlying increase year-on-year so we don't want our Hba1c's to follow THAT trend lol!
It could be that there is some reason for the change that you haven't thought of, maybe it is the weather, or it could quite easily be a case of "that's diabetes for you". That's one of the hardest things I find about this dratted condition, you do your utmost to take everything into account and adjust doses and timings accordingly, and still get occasions when it all goes wrong and you can't for the life of you work out why. It makes you appreciate how clever your body is when it works properly, doesn't it!
Always happened to me on MDI, I'd have to adjust basal every so often. I can't say I've seen it on the pump, but that's likely because I've only had it since November and am still adjusting and tweaking basals regularly.
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