Changed phone but no data transferred

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all
My wife is using libre2 and was having problems with signal loss
We have bought a new phone which seems to have solved the problem, so far
The problem we have is that the data on the old phone has not been transferred to the new one
If anyone has any ideas how we can do this they would be gratefully received
Hi all
My wife is using libre2 and was having problems with signal loss
We have bought a new phone which seems to have solved the problem, so far
The problem we have is that the data on the old phone has not been transferred to the new one
If anyone has any ideas how we can do this they would be gratefully received
Hello @Abner55,
I'm afraid when you change a phone you have also installed a new app for the Libre 2 and the data from the old app is lost from your phone. The app on your wife's phone is LibreLink. But their is web-based storage platform called LibreView; are you registered on that (needs a separate registration with its own password)?

It is quite possible that you are registered. If your Libre was provided by the Hospital and that is how the Hospital team can look at your wife's CGM details then the old phone will have automatically been sending the old Libre 2 data to LibreView so that data isn't lost. But it can never be transferred across to the new phone.

That is a nuisance to your wife since if she wanted to compare, for example, last Friday's daily events with yesterday it is clumsy trying to look at different sites for that comparison. But if she wanted to remind herself how she had been doing until before the phone change then log on to LibreView and download what is wanted. If necessary take a few screenshot photos to keep that back data really handy on the new phone.

If she is not already registered on LibreView then I do recommend doing that. The analysis data from there is interesting for many people.
Agree with previous response. This is normal when you either reinstall the app on the same phone or install the app on a new phone. But if you’ve previously set up uploading the data to libreview it will all be there.
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