Changed meds to Dapagliflozin

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Forum,
I was first diagnosed in 2003. Since then I've had excellent control of my sugars.....Metforming and Repaglinide.
Sadly, my recent blood tests showed a rise in my sugar levels. My practice nurse changed my meds. I now take 2xMetformin twice a day and 1 Dapagliflozin in the morning.
After the change I noticed a sudden rise in my sugars and experienced the sorts of diabetes symptoms that alerted me to my condition way back in 2003. I didn't normally test but when I did, I was sky high.
I informed my practice nurse. She advised me that this was probably just a temporary thing and that it was likely to settle down. Now, after two weeks of being extremely low-carb in my diet my readings have at last gone to - 10.0
Is this normal?

Also, I've read a lot about Dapagliflozin and on the whole it gets really positive reviews, but this review startled me.

Hello Phil . Welcome to the forum. I have just had a quick read through the link you provided, I can understand your concerns, I suggest you check if their is a GP at your practice who has a special interest in diabetes and discuss your concerns with this med with them, their are other meds available that you may be happier with. They may well lower your blood glucose better too.
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