Changed Meds and blood sugar out of control

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I’m new to this site, diagnosed with Type 2 in 2012 and have had an up and down relationship with control although much better in recent times. Have been on low/zero carb diet for a number of years and recent Hb1AC between 6.7-7.1. Last check up a couple of weeks ago doctor mentioned my ketones were higher than normal and swapped me out of Xigduo back to just metformin - since then my blood sugar is around 15 in the morning gradually dropping down to 9 during the day and despite me being careful with diet I’m putting on weight - doctor has introduced Tradjenta this week but not having an impact yet - feeling a bit helpless and down. Anyone else seen this type of impact when changing meds?
That drug is a mix of a flozin and Metformin. Flozins can cause ketoacidosis, so this might be why you have been dropped to straight Metformin. Losing one medicine that is helping bring levels down might be why you are seeing a rise.
The ketones could have been dietary if you were following a keto diet which is something which I believe is not a good plan if you are on the 'flozin' medication or at least without medical approval.
The weight gain is probably from fluid you are now not excreting as that would be what the flozin would have been encouraging the kidneys to do along with the excess glucose.
It may well settle down as your HbA1C is not all that high 6.5% (old money) would be the diagnostic threshold.
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Hi @GXTand welcome to the forum. I note you are posting from Singapore. No problem,diabetes is diabetes no matter where you live. I only mention it because medical protocols vary from one country to another and members need to bear this in mind in the conversation.
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Thank you for the responses - have seen my doctor again this morning and he has reintroduced Jardiance but we had a good discussion on my diet and he has done so on the basis that I reintroduce a small amount of complex carbs back into my diet - fingers crossed my ketones remain manageable and my sugar levels reduce again - otherwise he mentioned that he might need to introduce insulin.
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