Change sets regularly!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have only been pumping a year but I have been finding it difficult to change my sets - they either don't go in or I get a no delivery notification - and it turns out I have scar tissue on my abdomen. And 'lipo'-something (can't remember what it's called). So now I either have to wear my sets on my thighs or I have to try steel-tip cannulas. I was always told to change sets after three days but the advice is actually every two or three days. From now on I will always change them every two days to avoid anymore scar tissue.

Does anyone know if scar tissue will eventually go away? I feel quite upset about it! :(
Was it Lipohpertrophy? This link will tell you about the lumps - I believe that they will go over time.

Although the lumps will go, I don't know about the scar tissue - do you speak with your DSN regularly - I am sure they would be able to answer the question.
Only started in November and the big red 3 on the Medtronic boxes encouraged me to follow the advice I got which was 2-3 days. I find some sites get a bit itchier after 2 days, but that could well be psychosomatic as the set I have in now is about 54 hours old and feels completely fine.

How long do people usually wait?

I reckon 2.5 days (approx 60 hours) is my usual
Hi Lauren
I was told 3 days for tethlon and 2 days for steel cannulas. Was also given dire warnings of not going longer due to the scar tissue build up.

Scar tissue does go away but it does mean not using that site for at least a year.

Have you you tried a different length cannula?
Thanks for the link Margie, I am glad that the lumps only take months to go away and not years!

I was always told three days but lots of people seem to change after two - I am definitely going to do the same from now on.

I am going on 'Sure-T' sets next Tuesday (I use the Medtronic Veo). I am not looking forward to it because it is an actual needle, not a cannula! I was given the Silhouettes to use but I couldn't get my head past how to insert them, also didn't like the fact that the inserter isn't stable on the skin when the needle goes in :(

I'm sure it will be fine, other people seem to use them and be ok with the needle. I hope!
Change mine every 2 days, precisely because of lipos as I don't want any more thanks!

I know it seems a shame when you are getting good delivery etc but there you go. Have my meter set up to remind me - if I go to bed the previous night after midnight, the thing reminds me then! - but I can snooze it till 'tomorrow' LOL
I use 90degree teflon ones and have to change after 48 hours, If I try and stretch them out to the 3rd day then they become very sore. They still seem to be working fine as my sugars don't elevate but I need to change them. So I am making sure I change every 2 days.
Nikki, I think it is Teflon ones I am going on - do you find they hurt? Can you feel them when they're in? Also are they easy to dislodge? I am very nervous about them!
Nikki, I think it is Teflon ones I am going on - do you find they hurt? Can you feel them when they're in? Also are they easy to dislodge? I am very nervous about them!

Hi Lauren,
a tethlon cannula is inserted via a needle the needle is then withdrawn just leaving the tethlon behind 🙂 In answer to your question no they do not hurt at all I used tethlon for 4 years and have just changed to steel cannulas. Again no problem at all.
Neither steel or tethlon are easy to dislodge if you follow basic pump common sense, which is putting some tape over the cannula 🙂
You will be fine honestly (((((((hugs))))))).
Nikki, I think it is Teflon ones I am going on - do you find they hurt? Can you feel them when they're in? Also are they easy to dislodge? I am very nervous about them!

As sue said I think it's the steel ones you are going onto. I have worn the steel ones with saline and they were fine. My best mate uses the rapid d cannulas (accu-chek steel cannulas) and she likes them.
I am considering trying them to see if they make me less sore that or some angled cannulas.
Hi Nikki,
if you do try them (contact D) for animas then go for the 8mm rather than the 6 mm. The absorption is soooooo much better. I find them very comfy, infact no diffferent that the 90 degree tethlon 6 or 9 mm.
Hi Nikki,
if you do try them (contact D) for animas then go for the 8mm rather than the 6 mm. The absorption is soooooo much better. I find them very comfy, infact no diffferent that the 90 degree tethlon 6 or 9 mm.

Thanks for that tip Sue. I am going to clinic next week so I will see what I can get my hands on to try. Don't want to order a box of anything incase I don't like them and don't want to waste them as they are so expensive.
Thanks for that tip Sue. I am going to clinic next week so I will see what I can get my hands on to try. Don't want to order a box of anything incase I don't like them and don't want to waste them as they are so expensive.

Just ring animas and ask to try some. I have found animas very helpful like that 🙂
Dunno if all the pump cos do, but Roche do 'sample packs' of all their cannulas, with just 2 in, instead of 10.
Jessica has two large lumps just under the tummy button one either side. I always looked for small lumps but learnt that actually if you slice a hard boiled egg in half and slid it under the skin that is the lump size and Jessicas were first spotted last March. They have not gone down and not changed.

We have avoided the area. We do use the tummy still but out to the sides more. We also use the butt.

You can use your thighs and your upper arms for cannulas as well.
I change my steel accuchek cannulas every day, I don't leave them in for longer than 36 hours. Lyperhypertrophy can be a problem for me and actually I probably deliver as much insulin in 1 day as some people will in 2 or 3 days
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