Change of Statin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am on Simvistatin (40mg). Since starting them I have had the feeling that they are causing odd aches and pains. With my leg problems it is hard to be specific but they are now starting in my shoulder region. Someone recently posted that a change in the type of statin relieved the symtoms. Despite a trawl through the posts I have not been able to find it. Can anybody point me to it or advise me what the change of statin was? I want to run this past my GP. Many thanks...
Not sure where the thread is, someone will be along soon who knows. In the mean time I hope you get things sorted. There is no harm in having a chat to your GP anyway.
Hi falcon

This is the post by Northerner recently.

I also took note as I'm on 20mg and have had a lot of niggly leg, ankle and shoulder aches and pains. The sort you wake up with and have to slowly loosen up. I was tempted to take half a tablet for a week and see what happens, but have a few other things to sort out first.

Be wary of stopping medication suddenly as things can get worse.

I know of a few people who have come off of Simvastatin because of fatigue and aches and pains in their joints. I used to be on 40mg of it but am now on Rosuvastatin which works better for me.
I also came off Simvastatin and now take Rosuvastatin instead. Doctors are fully aware of all the problems with the former and the only reason they prescribe them is because they are the cheapest.
Hi falcon

This is the post by Northerner recently.

I also took note as I'm on 20mg and have had a lot of niggly leg, ankle and shoulder aches and pains. The sort you wake up with and have to slowly loosen up. I was tempted to take half a tablet for a week and see what happens, but have a few other things to sort out first.

Be wary of stopping medication suddenly as things can get worse.


Give a prize to that chap! Well done for finding the thread!! 🙂

Also, I found what appears to be quite a useful little document (HIS3_Reducing_Cholesterol_Booklet.pdf) downloadable from the British Heart Foundation website.

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Lol :D:D

It was a subject close to my heart (was that a pun ? 😱)

I've just been reading the wikipedia article which cites the recent metastudy questioning the effectiveness when used in 'high risk groups', including diabetics with or without raised risk of heart disease, stroke, etc.

I first noticed the muscle aches when I started exercising more and eating less and slightly healthier. The statins block the cells from producing cholestorol and force the body to mop up excess from the blood. Doesn't say what happens if there isn't much in the blood.
I put the aches down to age/old injuries, etc but Northerner's post got me thinking and I think I might go see nursey about it. She didn't get me to make any lifestyle changes before prescribing them, citing instead the benefits for diabetics regardless of risk.

Hi, I am trying to get doctor's appointment which is a bit tricky as I can only go very early or late. A request for my GP to give a call to discuss was refused. Might have saved everyone time!
Hi, I am trying to get doctor's appointment which is a bit tricky as I can only go very early or late. A request for my GP to give a call to discuss was refused. Might have saved everyone time!

Only once has my GP ever called back, and that was because the antibiotics he prescribed made me iller than the chest infection he prescribed them for...

Would a note to him help at all?
Went early in the end and waited for an emergency appointment.Doseage halved (20 mg simvastatin) and array of blood tests next week. I asked about changing to Rosuvastatin but the doctor I saw was not keen at the moment (hopefully for medical reasons rather than it being more expensive!).
Make sure you have regular liver function tests. I was quite unwell with simvastatin. I had a lot of pains in feet and legs and then liver enzymes were elevated and doc phoned me and told me to stop taking them. I tried another and can't remember the name but the same thing happened. Now I don't take any and liver enzymes reverted to normal after about 6 months. Leg and foot pains went after a while. Cholesterol was around 4.5 while I was eating porridge made with soya daily but now I cant have that due to BG spikes cholesterol is 5.1 and that will just have to do for now.
I am on atorvastatin and have no trouble on this 🙂
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