Change of insulin routine

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi there feeling down was at the clinic on friday and i am going on to four jabs a day as my blood sugars are still high 😡😡
Hi Twinnie

Sorry to hear that you're having problems with your levels. It may not seem like it now by 4 injections a day does not necessarily have to be a bad thing, once you're used to it you may find it solves your problems.


(ps, I've moved this post to the general message board as it's going on to a new topic so you may get a greater response)
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Hi Twinnie

Hope you feeling a little better..

I agree with aymes....may be once the initial shock of having to go on to 4 injections a day passes..and you settle into the new routine of your insulin feel that you are back in control of your life and diabetes.

I was given a choice of either two injections a day or four and I chose four as

I think it is easier to keep more stable levels and have less hypos . My theory

was if I'm injecting twice what difference does another injection make in the

big scheme of things. Good luck with it though and try not to worry too much

you will be fine 🙂 Also once your levels come down you will feel so much

better anyway . Let us know how you get on !! 🙂
hi there feeling down was at the clinic on friday and i am going on to four jabs a day as my blood sugars are still high 😡😡

Hi there! sorry o hear you're feeling down, but hope it won't last for long. agree with the others - that it might give you better control and make you feel better in the long term. Have you looked into other ways of helping to manage your diabetes, like diet, a DAFNE, BERTIE or similar course, or the DUK courses or perhpas regular excercise (might also make you feel better!) 🙂
I was initally offered twice a day insulin but refused and went onto basal bolus straight away. It is actually pretty difficult to get good control on twice a day insulin.
Alot of us find having high blood sugars affects our mood, so you might start to feel better if this new regieme gets your blood sugars down
hi there feeling down was at the clinic on friday and i am going on to four jabs a day as my blood sugars are still high 😡😡

Good luck - you will find it much more flexible when you eg go out for a meal - honestly.
Hi Twinnie,

I started off on 2 needles a day and was reluctant to go onto 4 needles a day.

Now I'm on 4 needles I'd never go back to 2 and wish I'd made the move to MDI (Multiple Daily Injections) sooner. Well, I say 4 needles - it's normally more as I like to snack...a lot...on sweet stuff and carbs! 😱

4 needles does have advantages.

It gives you the freedom to choose when you eat. I always had problems with lunch on 2 needles as your morning dose had to cover it as well. Plus if you fancy an extra snack in between you can just take an extra needle, again something I found hard to do on 2 needles (well until I got my hands on a vial of ActRapid) It also means you can get better control of your background insulin as well which could also be tricky on mixed insulins.

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